
honestly, i think we just put far too much importance on people like beyoncé. representation is great. pop culture is important and it has the potential to be transformative. but saddling beyoncé with so much gravitas and so much influence re: representation and empowerment is such a liberal (in a bad way), limited,

access to black women's bodies is built into the DNA of American racism and white supremacy

I don't know how to respond to this. I get the context. I acknowledged everything you just said in my original post. I know that most people are laughing at the irony, not the racism of "Ching-Chong Ding-Dong," but to assume that there aren't plenty of people who would find it funny, that it's just so silly and

This is a compelling comparison. Honestly, I hadn't seen The Onion article until this moment. I recognize the power in their approach, and I think it comes much closer than Colbert's in highlighting the absurdity of it all. I mean, I have no control over what comedians or satirists do, nor do I want that control. I

I just don't know what to do with any of this. I absolutely get that it was satire—that his use of a common racist joke against Asian people was meant to show the absurdity of the Washington Redskins name. Totally got it. But I also get that people might be offended, satire or not, by the use of what are pretty much

Also, going by the internet, dudes will take any and every excuse to show a woman their dick. Solicited or not. So what's the deal here? Are these dudes just sad that Media Dicks are welcomed but their hastily taken iPhone dick pics are met with derision?

There's an undeniable racism that makes up a part of the backlash against this cover. I'll be the first to admit that Kimye are totally ridiculous, but, as you point out, Kanye has produced legitimately important and influential music. I'm just really put off by the vitriol.

I just want to know when white people holding up signs with trite stuff scrawled on them became a thing.

i wish i could be as dumb + pretty as juan pablo. that must be a blast.

I mean, I literally say why I like her character (it's the actress's performance). I feel like you're taking a very black-and-white view of the conversation altogether. It's possible to like something, even a lot, while recognizing its faults. In general, I'd agree with CylonLover's critique (plot-device) and add that

Agreed. I also like Maggie, but I recognize that the writing/characterization for her has been paper-thin, as it has been for every single woman on the show. I'm sure most of what makes me like Maggie is due to Monaghan's excellent performance, which only underlines how sad it is when shows like this write such poor

Please don't knuckle hair-shame :p

My wife and I chose to completely forego engagement rings (and even an engagement process — we'd already been together for ~8 years, so who cares). We do have wedding bands, though — mine was $10 and hers was $30, both from Amazon. We're pretty fond of them. We had a small ceremony at the courthouse, and had a few

I feel deep solidarity with and sympathy for my fellow hairy-knuckled bros out there.

Yeah, I edited it a second later, you boring troll.

"That you were actually surprised that 'cultural appropriation,' a thing invented by nutballs on Gawker sites and Tumblr who can't feel alive if they're not being victimized..."

Knowing Disney, she'd start as plus-sized but be a size zero by the end of film through some sort of magic or sorcery.

it would've taken you a second to google this but instead you rush in here to get weird and defensive about a gross creepy millionaire. lol.

It's amusing to read people's responses to you, like they have the "right" interpretation of Breaking Bad and you're completely wrong. Your reading is 100% arguable and can be supported with evidence from the show. Yeah, Walt has lost his family, is dying, etc. but even at the end of the show he gets to have what he