
i love that the Ratchet Miley Cyrus Origin Story is that she "got away from people," drove a ford explorer around Philly, and bought a cheap chain. it's some of the most hilarious, racist shit i have ever heard. i literally cannot stop laughing at the sentence, "Have you ever been to South Street in Philly?" the RS

I think I'll live with having to wait an extra year to find out what happened to bunch of fictional rich white people from the freakin' sixties.

But these actions support an overall racist culture in which blackness is often caricatured and devalued. Don't be such a pedant.

Bookmarking the shit out of this. Thank you.

"let me tell you the right way to use the word 'racism'" - every dummy ever

The fact that one black person can somehow stand in for the entire race of black people is part of the problem here. Your post is straight up racist.

Check out Marisha Pessl's Night Film.

Yep. What William said was shitty and deserves to be called out, but the ignorance and the eagerness involved in defending him here is SO MUCH WORSE and so much scarier.

save me from the white people in these comments, lawd

Yeah, I'm also upset that the comment is still in the gray. It's really absurd. The strongest thing that has been said is that William was thoughtless and rude. That's it. But so many commenters have reacted like people have demanded the guy's head. It's a legit issue that's at least worth discussion, and brushing it

Mm. Yes. Excellent point. I wonder what kind of history we might point to to consider how one might be more problematic and/or culturally fraught than the other? Ah well, it doesn't matter. He spent time there as a kid!

Right? How does that awful post have 40+ recommends? Oh, right. Jezebel.

Er, no, they were enslaved and colonized. And I still don't understand how any of what you're saying means what's happening here can't be critiqued. Oh well.

I feel you. Sorry if I came off like I was lecturing you, or whatever. Often I want to give up and never talk about race/gender again.

Ok, so now you want to turn this into a conversation about how everyone appropriates and so why should I be mad about this particular instance? Girl, bye.

You are strawmanning so hard. It ain't about all that. It's about situating Miley's actions in a context in which black people's culture has been repeatedly appropriated and stolen for the benefit of white people. I'm not saying Miley Cyrus is racist. I'm not even saying what she's doing is particularly racist, but

Yeah, but, like, "you need to stop complaining" is basically how white people respond to people of color's complaints about racism, period. It's not as if suddenly ceasing all complaints will lead these suburban white girls to some magical revelation. So the best thing to do is to complain, as often and as loudly as

In addition to some of the useful replies you've already received, you and others like you really just need to stop with these dispassionate observer concern trolls. You've already shown your hand when you open your comment with an article that emphatically denies the importance of race in this entire mess. Please

it really seems like this comment (and most of the replies to it) are doing the kind of overreading that they claim stewart does doonan. the article seems to have two points: doonan doesn't realize how popular afros are, and doonan's participating in as well as perpetuating an oppressive narrative (whether he means to