
Well, it seems Diplo assumes everyone at Pitchfork is a dude. Unless he’s also including balding women, but that is unlikely.

“And not all people who do identify as trans also consider themselves “queer,” by the way.”

You seem to have a very exclusive and narrow view of what trans means and I can’t even discuss this with someone if we disagree on such a foundational point.

I don’t disagree about any of your points about the lack of trans women in trans roles. At all. I’m saying that cis feminists have a tendency to boil trans discourse down to a few ‘simple’ rules and in doing so, wind up hurting more than they’re helping. In general, if we are discussing the whole of trans women’s

Cassie, what is your relationship with binary trans women that you feel so free to speak with such authority? I’m being specific here, because while you mention trans people here and there, it’s pretty obvious it’s specifically binary trans women that you’re always talking about. I’m sorry, I know you’re trying to

omg yes! I’ve encountered some really messed up stuff on food blogs. That’s a great idea. Thanks. :)

Haha me and RedWriter have been joking about that for a while now. We’re still working on that racism in restaurants article that came up a while back. I hope to write more about the industry. I have so many thoughts. That conference was a damned good time though. And yeah, for real, I cannot stress enough how

Thanks. Honestly, the only reason I jumped in there is because behind the scenes there’s meta drama. The burners haven’t stopped harassing anyone but I mean, it’s BonMorte. We all know this. He’s been active recently writing shitty posts about people on his blog. It’s really quite disturbing tbh. I don’t think it’s

I’ve been trying really hard not to get into GT’s absurd drama shit for months now but really. That woman is on some crazy shit. I literally said nothing at all about her daughter or anything even remotely connected to that. Here is a cap of her post. I mean really though. She’s lost her damned mind. I just feel

Agreed but:

No. ‘Girl on girl’ porn is a lie. Spoiler alert: it isn’t meant for lesbians. Lesbian porn is as real as it gets.

RIGHT??! I cannot with this.

“Are Ugly Women More Likely To Be Gay?”

Because of the intersection of homophobia and sexism. This is a very good explanation of why queer women go off about gender policing in any form. Feminists see it as sexism, queers see it as homophobia. Which is why we HATE cishet feminisms obsession with arguing about whether shaving your pubes or wearing short

SUCH A TROLL. Don’t bother. Crazier’nU is a troll. This is their second account now.

Yeah and I’ve dismissed some white gay men complaining about my comment too. At the time, language was different. Drag queens and trans people often were just described as drag queens. People weren’t getting surgeries and couldn’t get on hormones at the doctor. Things were just different. It was well documented that

Yeah, it’s a mess. I meant what I said though. I’ve said my piece. I’m done here. The end. ;)

And there’s is of the very few queer people who actually see any real change either. The gay rights movement is represented by white cis men and so we get the rights they want - to marry and have support for their partners from HR and the like. Those are great things, but trans people, butch lesbians, femmy men, all

How exactly does her being relegated to a minor side line role change the fact that they gave credit for her role to the white dude? It makes it worse, imo. Everyone knows that trans people, lesbians and POC were the spearheads of this uprising, yet they invented a white cis guy instead of tell the truth. If she’s in

This is the most disgusted I have been about queers in the media in some time. I mean, really though.