
It’s also some damned assimilationism. Of course it’s the story of a cis white dude. Can’t have the truth about those gross trans people and dykes can we? Gotta stay on that easy to digest ‘relatable’ garbage. The queer story must always revolve around some cis white man. Always.

Well there you go. A Black lesbian threw the first punch and a Black trans woman threw the first object. I stand by my statement that Marsha threw the first object, but it seems there is more to the story. There always is, isn’t there? :)

Yes. What we should be crying about is the gross erasure on display here. That and the historical lies being told to (let’s be real here) the cishet white audience that this is aimed at.

Eh. I still think you aren’t dumb and my point stands. Still. I appreciate the honestly though. :)

I definitely wouldn’t say you were dumb. You just didn’t know. And that’s exactly why a lot of us are pissed at this, to be honest. It’s a bunch of lies masquerading as the story of Stonewall. Lots of people are going to go into it thinking they will be learning something and they will be taught false narratives that

Really? Well the fact that I did not know that is a pretty good indication that it’s the first mainstream one. That’s enough, frankly. I wouldn’t even care about a movie that no cishet people would even see. This, on the other hand is basically going to teach a false history to millions of people who have no idea and

Dude. Seriously. Fuck off with this. Why me? Am I the only outraged queer here you think you ‘technically have something on’? GTFO with your technicalities. The movie is ahistorical in a very bad way. It focuses again on white gay men. They fucking invented one just for this! I saw the trailer and that’s all I need to

Ugh. This is probably completely accurate. Even when they write a movie about the human rights movement of other people, they must ensure the white cis dudes can ‘relate’. If white cis dudes could relate though, we wouldn’t have need the fucking movement in the first place!

Oh come off it. That white gay man took her place as the brick thrower. The movie is about a white dude that never existed in a historical story in which trans women and lesbians lead the charge. You can stick her (on the sidelines. Ill be keeping my $1000) in there all you like but it means shit when her

Thank god this fictional white man was there to save us all. *gags*

Seriously. Did they do any research at all? Go google Stonewall images and you’ll find a shitload of pics of trans women of colour and dykes getting arrested and being badass. All it takes is one little google search! This is ridiculous.

Great minds. :)

Dude you don’t even read what you write before you hit publish do you? You should probably think about rereading and editing. You very clearly said that. I’m not arguing with you any further. I’ve said my peice. I think you’re an ass. The end.

You are quite clearly and quite vehemently arguing that women who do not shave are unattractive. many women do not shave for queer reasons. The option to shave or not is a cishet option. Trans people do not have the same option in the same way. That’s how. And you’re very dense to have to ask.

Oh hooray. The first Stonewall movie is about a fictional white gay male. This erases the BLACK trans woman who actually was the first to throw something (Marsha P. Johnson, if you’re wondering). It erases all the dykes who were being raped and arrested and who fought on the front lines of basically every important

You do realize that the only people who really have the options your discussing are cishet, yes? I’m sorry to tell you but lots of trans people, binary and non, as well as other queer people are kind of reading your comments and thinking you’re a gender policing, status quo upholding asshole. This may be the most

I know it isn’t your fault, but some of these responses remind how unsafe and supremely un-queer this site is. Wow. Here come the gender police intersectional feminists! Some people in this thread can kiss my ass and you shouldn’t listen to a word they have to say on this matter. Don’t let that kind of talk affect

“it’s just that it’s indicative of racist desensitization if people aren’t just as upset and outspoken over racist violence.”

With you up to the last paragraph. Let’s consider why we’re saying animals should be given ‘human’ consideration. Why can’t humans be given animal consideration? Because I feel similar to your argument but in the opposite way. I’m an animal. Specifically a primate. An omnivore. I eat animals because that what I was

Thank you. And I would agree I’ve been pretty aggro too. It’s just... damn I’m so sick of this and it isn’t okay, imo. It’s one of those things that when we get to a place where people aren’t being hugely marginalized for their queerness (in so many different ways, omg), it might be funny. But we aren’t there yet and