
99% of the time these things aren’t meant to be offensive. Doesn’t change the fact that they are. If you don’t live that life, you wouldn’t know, would you? I do think I’ve been rather aggro here, but I hear this joke constantly -both in real life and underneath every post on Jez about an androgynous/butchy queer

I don’t presume to know you any more than you have let me know in other comments on other posts. Even my own posts that I wrote. This shit would be funnier to me maybe if I didn’t hear it CONSTANTLY in my real life. If it wasn’t part of a genre of joke that is extremely transphobic in other contexts. I posit that it’s

Counter-counter point? NOT ALL TRANS PEOPLE ARE BINARY TRANS WOMEN. This hurts butches pretty strongly. Again, you are a binary trans woman. You do not understand the fallout of the kinds of joke this is. It isn’t made about you. I’m done talking to you. You may be used to feminists refusing to argue wih you because

Nope nothing to be offended by here! I’ll remember that the next time I hear some ‘tranny’ joke where the punchline is that you look like a linebacker.

This is a lesbian thing. Specifically a butch/androgynous thing. A non-binary thing. A DANGEROUS thing. It is ABSOLUTELY not your fight to be offended by. Or do you think gay men should be able to say whatever they want about trans women? After all, they’re queer? Please. Don’t tell me what I should think. I don’t

This isn’t about trans people for one. It’s about lesbians being constantly compared to whatever feminine- looking male is flavour of the month. And that shit IS offensive. Not to mention dangerous. Yes, I HAVE been physically assaulted by men who think I’m ‘man enough’ to be punched in the face. ‘Lesbians are fake

“”Next you’ll be telling me how Black people use the N word why can’t white people?”

Awesome. Wanna lay off making jokes about gender presentation next? Did you miss the butch part? God you’re acting an ass. A huge, missing the point ASS.

Yeah, it’s almost like members of their own communities can make different jokes about themselves than outsiders can. Funny how that works. Next you’ll be telling me how Black people use the N word why can’t white people? Have you ever seen the SNK skit ‘Dyke & Fats’? I don’t like it, personally - because of ppl like

I’ll be the judge of what’s homophobic or not. Not your straight ass. That kind of joke is tremendously offensive to lesbians. It’s also sexist. It’s also transphobic. It’s extremely not cool to make jokes about peoples gender. It’s much worse to compare lesbians to cismen - like that isn’t a HUGE part of the

If that’s legit then thank you and please think a bit before you make these tired-ass old school homophobic jokes.

No. It’s not a fucking coincidence. It’s not funny to suggest so. Is this what you guys do when you’re taking a break from fawning over the latest trans celebrity? Mocking men who don’t look ‘manly’ enough and comparing lesbian to cismen?

Yo, I’m right sick to death of all these ‘queer-positive’ feminists coming up here with these lame-ass, older-than-dirt homophobic ‘[insert lesbian here] looks just like [insert cisman you think looks feminine here]’.

“Why do they need a transgender modelling agency, can’t they just join regular modelling agencies?”

“What could have been a study in hate ended up being just the opposite”

Listen, if it wasn’t a joke, it was in incredibly poor taste and infuriating.

Ah yes.

Zap: “Seeing PoC on TV like that was really important to me as a kid.”

“Honestly, I don’t know if it’s money or culture change. I think it’s just knocking down the team so they can tank.”

I’m hearing now the full trade is a bit more complex than that but overall, I agree. I hear it’s this: