
“But this is about money.”

You would also have to completely reverse world-wide white supremacy to really get the full effect. There’s no such thing a ‘brown savior’ and there’s a reason for that. The fact that Coen thinks this is a reasonable and equal analogy is kind of telling here. :/

Listen guys, this is ridiculous. Deleting comments that point out how tone deaf and culturally offensive this article is really not helping the whole “We’re not a white feminists’ thing you all are trying to buckle down on all the time. People are giving you valuable feedback: that this article is condescending and

“Lesbians are some of the most stuck up people I know.”

This is a beautiful comment on a number of levels. I’m glad this aspect got brought up because it’s rather important, you’re quite right. Thank you.


“...lesbians and your gayer than center bi sisters?”

I don’t like her for so many reasons. This is a good one too though. Just throw this reason on the pile with all the other reasons. I’ll get to it eventually. Lol

Nice. Wow isn’t queerness hot and EDGY??!

Haha! I should have just gone with this. Instead I wrote a whole comment outlining why I hate him. It was cathartic though. :)

Diplo is a moron and a piece of shit who capitalizes on the backs of musicians of colour. The dude invented a cartoon black man to represent his ‘band’ (group? Organized musical act? What do you even call it? Side project? Whatever, fuck Diplo). His videos are all of the anthropologic ‘hey look at these black people’

You don’t have any idea what your point is. You juat want us to stip discussing this. I get it, you disagree. If you want the actual answer to the question you just posed here, please just read this thread. You’re going in circles and this is just stupid at this point. I’m done. Okay?

Really? I mean, just... REALLY? It’s very common vernacular in North America.

“Then stay away from bi curious hipster chicks.”

I think a lot of bi women forget that we ALL went through a questioning period where we probably acted a fool. That’s not just a bi experience, tbh. It’s not like lesbians say these things without understanding what it’s like to be just coming out and learning to navigate queerness. Same time, though, we have to be

“Then stay away from bi curious hipster chicks.”

“such a huge percentage of women on the site put bisexual in their profiles, that there is no way to know if someone is for real.”

Here is my response to your logic:

HA! Omg so much of this is true facts. No, really people, baby dyke is a legit thing and it isn’t derogatory and omfg what the hell? But you know then if you start trying to ask why people are policing your queerness when they don’t seem to know from queer, you’ll get pushback like, “Omg stop trying to make queers