
I absolutely realize that it sucks to have lesbians be suspicious of you but like, asking “just about sex, or do you actually have relationships”, like you understand that to a lesbian that’s a legit question. It’s not asking if you’re gay enough or trying to judge you as a bi woman, she’s legitimately asking if

I’m saying though. And it isn’t that I don’t wish it wasn’t so. Like, I feel the pain bi girls are expressing over it. It obviously causes real issues for you guys too. But yeah, we’ll never get past this sort of animosity thing we’ve got going on if we don’t acknowledge that it’s these certain kinds of straight or

You’re welcome. :)

Thanks. I was really pleased to see this post on Jez, you know? I’ve been complaining about lack of decent queer women’s content on this site for some time and I was just really saddened to get down to the comments and find so much anger. I just feel very strongly about queer rights and I had to comment a lot. I’m

“The first time I consciously liked a girl, I freaked the FUCK out. I was confused as hell.”

Madeleine, I simply cannot believe that you’ve written a post attempting to address the very real problem of fetishization and othering of lesbian and gayer than center bi women and have received nothing but vitriol in response. From women who are queer. I’m legit disturbed. I feel like I need to personally apologize.

Please quote any biphobic or hostile remarks. Seriously. Having a different viewpoint on this issue from bisexuals is not inherently biphobic. I have been respectful as hell. You’re the one who felt the need to come in here with aggression. And still you haven’t even addressed what it is I’ve said that you have a

Haha! I can dig it. I’m not familiar with her work outside of this tbh. I’m not trying to hate on Ruby Rose the person, it sounds like she’s pretty great actually, from what you say here. But this character did nothing for me. :)

...the difference between “I’m silently judging you based on how gay I think you are” and “if you’re doing it for this reason you should stop”.

And you apparently live in a very simple one if that’s all you took from my comments. Mk.

Dude, you’re like a caricature of the women I described above. That’s painful. No one is trying to question your queerness, ffs. There’s no need to get so hostile and lesbophobic. I’ve been very understanding to the bisexual point of view and that POV is all over these comments - if you’re worried about being drowned

I care. You should too, frankly. If you don’t that’s really short sighted of you because it’s othering as hell. Othering and fetishization are hallmarks of marginalization? When queerness is seen as an edgy outfit you put on, what does that say about how that person views queerness? What does edgy mean? Usually

Yup! I was really psyched when I saw her sex scene in this season because I had some issues with how her sexuality was portrayed in previous seasons. This one was really great though. :)

Come off it. You know no one here is talking about women with legitimate ‘questioning their sexuality’ feelings. Madeleine and myself are talking about straight women. Are you seriously trying to say that women grappling with their sexuality routinely act like Katy Perry ‘I kissed a Girl?’ to score cool points? Like,

Haha! So many do! I was being sarcastic. Just explaining the mindset I was taking about. Honestly though, The Ruby Rose ‘type’ bores me. My desires are for more interesting fare. :)

YUP. I mean look at this situation right here: Madeleine has written an article asking straight women to be more careful how they talk about queer women. Seems like a no-brainer right? Well, this comments section is now full of women chastising her. For asking straight women to be more sensitive to queer women.

Wow. That’s kind of incredibly dismissive. I assure you that many queer women care about this issue very deeply. I’m glad you don’t, though. I’ll file that away for future reference: Lilly aggressively doesn’t care about queer women’s issues with regards to how straight women interact with them. got it. Thanks.

I would say though that I think we’re agreeing anyway, despite it all. What I’m saying is that yes, lesbians can have attitudes with bi women that feel like a wall being built around queerness or something. Lesbians often look at bi women with suspicion. But those feelings don’t come from nowhere. They are real fears

I liked this post very much. Listen, tbh, the only people who’s opinions I want to hear about this posts opinion are queer ones. I’m serious. I see a lot of women in the comments talking about how this post is offensive and the reason bi women have a hard time coming out, etc.

Listen here you fucking asshole. Take this: