
Honestly, your comment is the best damned explanation of how I feel I think I’ve ever seen. We never really talk about mixed people and/or passing people’s issues very often. At the very least, I’m glad to see so many others like me pop out of the woodwork. It validates my experience, tbh and I really appreciate it.

I would say a lot worse in person, to be perfectly honest.

All of this. I’m also nervous. Some idiots are already starting joking about black test questions on twitter. Newsflash: not every black person eats collard greens or is even from North America!

A troll generally makes jokes by pretending they are engaging honestly but injecting just enough bullshit to get a rise out of you, hopefully with the goal of getting you to comment back and forth so they can really anger you before revealing themselves and making you look a fool, right? Like, for their own amusement

Well, You’re comment got cut off, but I see where you’re going with this.

Who Mark? Yeah, I know, but this isn’t really a laughing matter and as a science minded person, I thought I might make this point. I have nothing against Mark making that joke, I just thought it was an interesting and important point. I really don’t think people realize exactly how close we are to literally destroying

gtfo troll.

It’s not the planet that’s the problem, ffs, it’s the ability to travel there and be fucking alive at the end. Choosing a planet that’s farther away isn’t gonna solve that problem, it’s gonna make it worse. That’s before we’ve even figured out how to survive once we get there. It’s a pipe dream homey. It’s also

Yup. We have and tbh, it’s part of the problem. Look at this chart. No seriously. Did you realize exactly how close we are to capacity? Science has various guesses as to capacity but they believe it to be in the area of 10ish billion. That is, the population at which we will cease to have enough resources to go

You do same. We will have reached carrying capacity long before we colonize mars on any appreciable realistic level. I don’t think you appreciate exactly how prolific we are. Our growth is exponential. Never mind that the Mars trip thing is probably a pipe dream and even those involved aren’t sure it’s gonna happen.

Naw the future is your ‘parts flying off’ ass will get destroyed by bands of roving fitter people looking for food. We will run out. For reals though. That’s what ‘carrying capacity’ means.

“...rendering death obsolete forever. (I hope.)”

“Please let me know if this is okay.”

You know, I’m a lesbian and I wear a lot of men’s clothes. I just got out of a relationship with a hockey player and I own my own power tools. These are just facts drawn from my personal experience. Does this mean lesbianslesbians are masculine, love contact sports and power tools? Just asking. I mean it IS my

Wow. This comments section is a goddamned clusterfuck. What the hell is wrong with white feminists? Like when will you guys learn even the MOST BASIC of racial discourse? My word man, stereotyping is BAD people. Always. Goddammit. I feel bad for all of us that wasted all these years writing on kinja and trying

Interesting. I wonder what they think of lesbian WOC? Are we jealous too? What do they think our excuse is for having issues with white women? Or do they even think of us AT ALL? Because *spoiler alert* we don’t give a fuck about men’s preferences in women.

I’m a woman and I have a tattoo on my neck. Lower down so I can somewhat hide it with a high collar but it’s a full necklace. I knew my guy really well though and he had tattooed me plenty of times before. I’m not a tattoo artist, but I did apprentice with him when I was young. He would refuse delicate areas often (I

Yeah but that’s just a woman thing isn’t it? Some women perform hyper-femininity because that’s their thing. Are you planning on coming for straight girls too or is this just a gay thing? Because high femininity is not the sole domain of the ‘community’ yet you call out the community here. Check yourself dude.

Butches are butch because they exist further to masculine/male along the gender spectrum. I dress and act the way I do because it is a natural extension of my gender. No one peer pressured me into it. No one could. Maybe among some lesbians there is a pressure, but most people who identify as butch consider it a part

No actually. As a butch I think it is often a matter of gender identity. Many lesbians are also along the gender spectrum. To be honest, I find this suggestion insulting.