
It’s cool Beet. He’s an ally and we wouldn’t want to push him away. Also, some of his best friends are gay! So all of this is totally cool.

This deserves to be higher. I read this, mouth agape, as you did, expecting this to be some kind of troll job. You’re comment has validated that I’m not crazy. Thank you.

I actually worked at a bar that Kenny part owned for a while and I can say that he’s actually a really nice dude. :)

One time Snake burned my arm with a cigarette while I was trying to get a beer in a bar and I turned around and saw it was him and he was all “So?” and I told him he was a dick and to fuck off and lumbered away with my beer.

Look. At the end of the day, there is no goddamned way that Emma Stone is going to even come close to understanding what it feels like to be a white passing person. Therefore, she’s going to represent us horribly. This is offensive and I say that as a white passing person. White passing =/= white. Period. You can’t

I’m going to believe you that your comment was poorly worded but seriously, I know you believe homophobia is worse for or more prevalent for men or whatever, but running around saying that is asking to offend people. You probably have some kind of anecdotal data to back up your claim but I have that too. That’s why

Actually that isn’t an amusing spin so much as complete disregard for my personal experience as a woman and as a mother who’s gayness was used to keep her kid away from her, but whatever, men have it worse, right dude? This is a thing for lesbians too. Tbh, the ‘sex monster’ thing immediately conjures the creepy dyke

“...other than they must’ve been interested in you...”

The whole stereotype that lgbt people are just crazed sex monsters permeates sooo much of society. It really bugs me. On the extreme hate side you get shit like this: a dude is actually suggesting separate washrooms because he just knows all those gays want to sexually harass straight people. On the less extreme side,

OMG yes! Every woman has used the mens washroom in a bar at some point. They never use the stalls anyway so it’s a great place to chat, FYI. This is ten pounds of bigoted in a five pound bag. So stupid omg.

I love how these arguments conveniently forget that grown cishet woman also sexually abuse children and also grown cishet men routinely sexually abuse young boys. Like, no one is trying to keep grown men from seeing little boy wieners in the washroom, yet adult men abuse young boys on the regular if the news is any

Eh. I’m gonna disagree on queer grounds. A lot of these ‘sexist’ dress code things are more than just sexist, they’re cissexist or heterosexist. Kids should be able to wear whatever shoes they want regardless of dress code. I’m actually more concerned with the “all girls will wear skirts/dresses” part, but really. It

Yet another example of how no one should ever be hearing any of Madonna’s excuses about her fetishization of gay men, her racist words on instagram, her fucking laughable ideas about feminism. Really, eh? “I kissed a girl and I liked it”? That’s some kind of sexist bullshit. Or maybe it’s homophobic bullshit. Or maybe

You’ve been flagged for being a fucking racist.

I can and will do this all day, you peice of shit.

Don’t dismiss me, because you see me getting play, you fucking racist asshole. It’s not my fault you’re getting dragged for filth.

Don’t be that guy that runs to make sure NOTHING is ever called ‘racism’ and then pretend its just because you’re ‘protecting the sanctity of the term racism’. Again, I did not just now fall off the turnip truck.

It would make me feel better if white people didn’t immediately start playing semantic games with racism when the complaint is very obviously real and awful. Especially when you go out of your way to let us know that you hate Islam just on its face. Come the fuck on. Like, I didn’t just fall off a turnip truck here.

Ew dude. Ew. You really went there?

Ah perhaps I have misunderstood. I agree with all of the above. This is messed right up and pretending otherwise to prove a point is a stretch. Sure, I can buy that the situation isn’t the same as the Duggars, but let’s not let her off the hook and pretend it’s just this one little thing at 7 like Jia seems to have