
Well, there’s photographic evidence of the protitute thing but her sister spoke on this and rather than denying it, she said that she didn’t care, essentially. I actually do buy this considering her family. Have you seen her father’s art? They are a very odd family.

If half the comments on Jez weren’t basically in an author ass-licking competition, I would buy that. No, I’m pretty sure it was an ass-lick.

I would agree if it were actually standalone. It isn’t though. Lena also bribed her sister with candy to kiss her on the lips more than once, masturbated in bed next to her until she was 17, dressed her up like a prostitute and made her rest her head in Lena’s lap while they watched TV. Again, until Lena was 17. That’s

Wait... did you really just conjure the image of a desperate orphan child begging for food? Like, Jia is the headmaster and we are the orphan children begging for sustenance at their whim? EEEEWWWWWW.

Yeah, here’s my reply to this Delmonte idiots next comment. Don’t dismiss me. I don’t appreciate it ever and I always notice and just post the comment again anyway. Unlike Delmonte , I have far higher standards for anyone who [X] is a friend of mine than it seems they do. Simply not running out of weed does not pass

And I stand by my statement that I absolutely do not care, just keep your fucking American bullshit weed out of my country.

Omfg dude. I don’t want to argue anymore. This thread is idiotic. I feel like I’m losing brain cells over here just being in your presence. You came at me originally saying this article was protected by free speech and then went on to be all “Oh you’re obviously not American” when it’s perfectly clear that this post

I’m saying it’s likely literally illegal (in many jurisdictions if not federally) to write a literal ‘how-to-break-the-law’ post and this being such a large platform it’s kind of incredibly ballsy to do. Free speech does not apply to literally everything you do. See ‘advocacy of illegal action’ as an example of a type

Oh, did you not get the memo? I’m in a twitter gang and most of my homies are American.

Yeah dude. I get it. It sucks to run out of weed. I try not to, personally. It’s not fucking oppressive though like, at all, to be asked to follow the law of whatever jurisdiction you happen to be in. Flouting laws of jurisdictions you do not belong to, American or otherwise, is entitled as fuck and supremely

Dude, again, thatz not oppression. Being asked to adhere to laws is not fucking oppression. Your right to smoke a fucking joint has precisely jack shit to do with human rights or oppression. It is not ‘unjust’. It’s merely an inconvenience that you would rather not have to encounter. It is a law you disagree with. It


Yeeeaaahhhhh. I’m not buying your shit. Sell harder. Why are you so damned heated about your right to learn how to smuggle drugs, dude? Inquiring minds wanna know. Also, just between you and me: there are law enforcement agencies in the states that would care about this thing too. Free speech doesn’t apply to

yeah, I have this sneaky feeling the other countries which this American article is advising American’s on how to break probably don’t much care about American free speech laws on American soil. This is international, my friend. This is an article on how American’s can bvreak other people’s laws. Now if you want to

HUR DURR I’M NOT AMERICAN. Which is relevant because this is an article teaching Americans how to break the laws of OTHER countries. How to bring drugs into other countries. Countries such as mine. This is regarding international drug laws, dumbass.

*rolls eyes*

Yeah, ‘others also do it’ doesn’t make it legal. Where I come from this aprr of explicit instruction, disseminated for profit is actually illegal. Sorry.


Maybe the whitest thing about this article is that no one involved realized that they literally wrote a drug smuggling how-to and considered being even a little concerned about law enforcement asking them questions. This article is probably very illegal just on it’s face, yes? No one at this fine publication is
