
Dude, you obviously didn’t actually read my comment. Not the first time or the second time when I told you to go back and reread it. If you don’t have any actual logic to rebut with or any comment that suggests you actually read my arguments, just say so but I’m not going to keep making the same arguments over and

I havent got that yet, but I did get a “don’t bring up the past”. So, give it time. :)

“First off thanks for answering like a decent human “

I have no damned idea why I’m going to actually answer your question which I think you meant rhetorically, but here I go! :D

Well this is a very silly article. I don’t mean that in a pleasant way. More like, what is the point? I can see only one thing about this whole thing worth talking about and I can’t believe the woman writing about this on a feminist* website said literally nothing about the obvious sexism in both the article and the

This was just... amazing. In many places and for many reasons. :/

Any participant that wasn’t the U.S. was fucked. It devastated Canadian agriculture. My family had to sell their farm. To this day, it’s cheaper here to buy an apple from thousands of miles away then it is to buy one grown in Niagara. NAFTA might suck for some Americans, but it was intended to screw others over to

Really? You’ve never heard this? Remember the whole hobbit ‘outing’? Or any other ‘outing’ of a celebrity? Dude, this is common knowledge. You can’t do that. Also, I’m kind of vexed that I have to explain myself to a cis person. That a bunch of cis ppl are gonna try and tell me whats offensive to queers. Me saying its

I like you so I’m gonna explain briefly. Speculation on a persons gay status or trans status IS NOT FAIR GAME FOR GOSSIP. Period. If you want to know what Bruce is talking about when he says ‘all he’s been through’ - THAT’S what he’s talking about. His sexuality and gender identity being treated as general gossip all

I’m just gonna repeat myself. I CANNOT believe the hypocrisy it takes to write this in A DIRT BAG. Ffs.

Being respectful NOW is kind of late, don’t you think? I seriously hope that Jezebel (and anyone else who read that shit and either enjoyed it or merely let it slide) feels truly awful for the part it’s played in the disgusting ‘is he or isn’t he’ game the media has been playing for several YEARS now. Linking to gross

Alla this. I’m saying though. Interesting who get’s what treatment, no? What’s the difference between an immigrant and an expat, for instance? Hmmm.

But see, I think that's precisely why it's culturally insensitive. I mean, we agree that food and culture are inextricably tied together so let's start there. Every culture has spices and flavour profiles and ingredients that they utilize often. Xylo said that while it's true that taco bell's version of these foods is

We disagree on the fundamental point that different items made with similar ingredient combinations are the same thing. Maybe this is due to the fact that I'm a chef and there are several things that about this statement that just bug me on a food level. It's not really a revelation that all the ground beef at taco

I don't know what the general consensus is about what is racism and what isn't, it seems to shift on a schedule that I can't ascertain, but I think the issue here is that, Xylo is saying that the items are in fact different, evidenced by different shells. I mean, it's easy to say, oh yeah, they use the same four or

@DontBeSuchaBoobTina, dismisser of perfectly reasonable comments:

The very next sentence:

Omfg THANK YOU. Like, what the hell is this shit anyway? He’s a goddamned trans guy! That isn’t diverse enough for these people because he passes? What the hell? I wish these people would explain how exactly they would like their trans men on the cover of Men’s Health? I’m guessing they would rather he just be left

Mk. Much to say. I’m going to leave it all though and simply point out that trans men tend to try and buff up before top surgery because the surgery just works out better when you have some musculature to start out with. This is well known.

Yes. I feel it’s important to add my part to the pile, but CGT people REALLY like to talk shit about me so I refuse to go there myself. I’ve been part of a number of horrible stalking incidents on kinja, racist, homophobic and otherwise, so I’m a bit wary to show up in person. Post away, though.