This is a great video and so are all her other ones. People should check them out. :)
This is a great video and so are all her other ones. People should check them out. :)
Here’s my link. Note that I wrote this a year ago and my views on Jamaica have softened somewhat. Explaining them would take it’s own post and actually, I’ve been thinking of writing that post, but anyway, here’s my entry. He took umbrage with something I wrote months before this and had been harassing me in dismissed…
I’m disappointed people here seem disappointed seeing as she’s known to have transphobic views.
That too! Ugh. This guy is so full of shit.
Psh. “The admissions office”, eh? Like as in, the only one that gave him the time of day? Fuck this tool. His story is fucked up on so many levels. I still don’t buy it to be honest. I’m supposed to believe it’s legit why? Because his racist ass said so on his website? The FAQ on his racist website full of racism…
There is no way this dude had MCAT scores and undergraduate university grades under any name but his very own. There’s no way he has two versions and/or they didnt notice his MCAT scores were from some dude named Vijay Chokal-Ingam.
Those jokes were fucked up, but there’s no hypocrisy in being upset that they were dredged up. The man did literally nothing to deserve it. He was given a job on Monday and by Tuesday, white people had gone as far back on his timeline as 4 years just to find dirt. Just to rub it in ‘the Twitter rage machines’ face and…
Yes, let’s tie our ability to be decent human beings to LGBT folks to Bruce Jenner’s ability to leave his goddamned family.
I much prefer the devil I know, tbh. Give me neo Nazi over a liberal casual racist any day. I prefer honesty in my bigots.
I'm just wondering if Jezebel is ever going to leave Bruce Jenner alone. At least I would hope this website would drop it's facade that it gives any fucks at all about queer/trans peoples lives while it insists on joining in on all the trans speculation fun. Linking to radar. My fucking word. Radar is responsible for…
Fair enough on all points. :)
Agreed. Also though, we totally still have to deal with the blowjob question sometimes. I wouldn't automatically assume that we're talking about eating pussy every time we're talking about lesbians going down on each other. Anyway, I don't do blowjobs. End of story. I have my reasons.
Listen, the ONE thing I will say is that I'm sorry you felt I was talking about you specifically. Also, this convo has veered WAY past the original post and is now about asexuality period. So screw the author or interviewee at this point.
Honestly here's the disconnect: yes, we can agree that the above use of queer is uncool. But no we cannot agree that asexual hetero-romantic people are not hetero. This WHOLE thing started with me saying het aces are fucking het. As in, not homosexual. As in, not LGBT. So listen if you want to say hetero-romantic and…
Hahahaha! Hey everyone! I finally found a burner that I actually LIKE!
Dude. People remember your old threads you know. They don't just disappear. This isn't your first thread on Jezebel. People remember the stuff you said in the past. People could even go read it themselves right now.
"First of all-it is about romantic and sexual attraction BOTH. But if you don't feel sexual attraction, and only romantic attraction-your label is not appended by "sexual." Ergo, hetero-romantic aces are not heterosexual."
No, your shitty views on Black women are completely relevant here to dismiss your arguments. You are coming from a place of hate so frankly, fuck your opinions on Black women. That's not irrational. That's the most rational course of action here. This entire post is about Black women and feminism and you are "not…