I didn't say your comment above was racist or misogynistic. I didn't even read it. I said you were those things. You are misogynistic and of particular note, you are a practitioner of some rather blatant and unapologetic misogynoir.
Dude, your arguments are incoherent as hell. You apply a Marxist framework of finite resources to fucking oppression. That's ludicrous. Also, you hate women. Especially those nasty Black ones who are always 'racing to the bottom'.
THIS. He hates women pretty virulently (especially those awful gay women who are always ruining his gay male utopia, or some such) and I have no idea what he even comes here for, tbh.
No actually, you chose to ignore my entire comment, focus on the one tiny flaw you found with my use of the term heterosexual and then give me a ridiculous line about how heterosexual only pertains to sex. You then went on to ask me a bunch of questions about where I felt the movement is or ought to be going which has…
"Heterosexuality is about sexual attraction, not romantic attraction. I am not cisgender and heterosexual, and therefore I am not cishet"
Do you know what heterosexual means? It means 'not homosexual'. If you are homosexual or bi, GREAT! You're already covered. Are you on the trans spectrum! YAY! You too are already covered.
FOR FUCK SAKE. There are very real arguments for asexuality not being a part of the queer community and you might want to ask someone from the queer community who isn't asexual to explain them to you. Or you, know, just STOP COVERING QUEER ISSUES since you suck at it tremendously and are in fact a point of contact for…
Pop quiz: What does ALS stand for? Does anyone even remember? No googling.
I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole. This issue is different in queer culture and the very last thing I want to do is talk about the lesbian community and our sex lives on Jezebel. I will say this though:
LOL <3
there are so many times that you have spoken over around and through my actual words that I cannot even begin to pick it all apart so I will explain what was wrong with one single part of your last comment and then I will say 'Good day sir'.
Well, basically the same place I got misogynist from. Absolutely no one brought up race, but you needed to list Black women as a factor in your tremendous magnum opus 'The Race To The Bottom' anyway. Just to stick it in there. THAT'S where I got that from.
This is just... Omg dude. Enough. I can't keep explaining myself. I've been super clear.
Ok, dude is a turn of phrase & yeah, you probably should have known that your comment wouldn't go over well. It boils down to "So you say you're gifted eh? Well, you fucked up some grammar up there so GOTCHA, you aint that great. LOLOL."
Lol dude. Come on. My entire argument here has nothing to do with grammar. Simply the person COMPLETELY removed modifying words that existed which changed my meaning completely & then wanted to argue with me about a thing I literally never said. This isn't about grammar and you haven't 'caught me' ffs.
Mk. Thanks! :D
Except that I did cite my sources from the get go: My personal experience. Literally all I have ever been arguing is that there is no one best way to praise a child and I used my personal experience as one example. And all I need is one example because the point I'm trying to prove is that this study is not always the…
"NPD is considered by many mental health experts to be a depressive illness, so the actual scientific evidence seems pretty stacked against the claim that this sort of praise alleviates depression."