
"White onions have one and only one purpose: to be deep-fried whole and served at chain restaurants as a blessed island of edibility amidst a sea of coke binge-inspired restaurant menu adjectives like "ROCKIN" and "JAZZY" and "TRAZZDANGLIN." "

This whole mess is a prime example of why capitalism and social justice do not/will not ever mix well. Of course this is for hits. DUH. Jezebel isn't an altruistic entity. It's part of a company that makes millions of dollars every year. Jia's job relies on the hits and at the end of the day, the writers are always

LOL. Mk. You know how many medical professionals apply to Doctors Without Borders?

I've been working in kitchen's for 16 years. I've been that girl. I have a huge scar from a deep burn I got on my elbow early in my career that I just worked through. I can't help but feel myself in her situation. I mean, it's a workplace, you know? It can be a really messed up culture when you really think about it.

That last story: Listen. When you haven't even yet graduated from your expensive college and you're already choosing to go have your limbs mangled for free during an 8 hour shift that a bunch of rich people have paid a small fortune for? That's when you change your career. That's why the romanticizing of the

Hey, I never heard back from you. I just wanted to be sure you got my message thanking you for the steam gifts before Christmas. Im sorry I'm just getting to this now, my memory was jogged. I've been really busy with stupid insane bullshit, but I think you know that.

Holy shit Jez, get a lesbian on staff, my god. You're like five years behind the community on this issue. We aren't awkward about it either. Just perfectly serious.

The total and complete lack of self awareness it takes to rail against bigotry so vigorously with a username like 'BoomByeBye' is fucking astounding.

Awesome! Some of your group should check out GT more often. I just felt that some of the comments kind devolved into a debate about whether the term bigot was appropriate. Not that they disagreed in totality but that they didn't want to be labeled a bigot specifically and preferred the term prejudiced. Others felt

I really hope you do read her stuff. I cannot reccomend 'Stone Butch Blues' enough. It is considered a classic in the lgbt community and it's really close to the hearts of many of us. I appreciate your comment. :)

No problem. That's a nice compliment tbh. Yeah, this person is an obsessive troll. They just want to try and 'prove' how awful I am. Well, me and some others, it's just my turn right now. That's why I asked them to link it. Let people see exactly how 'awful' I am.

Tell that to this obsessive troll who's been stalking me all over kinja for over a year. Trust me, I would SO much rather not. These comments are mild as hell too. They save the doxxing and physical threats for subblogs.

Come on. Don't get all patronizing. Words mean things. I read that sentence exactly as written. Combined with the comment declaring certain trans activists essentially going 'too far' and what was I supposed to take from that? Can you not simply admit the sentence was poorly constructed and said something you maybe

Okay well get on your real account and go to the comments of that post where everyone is debating that very thing and... Oh wait, you've already been banned from GT and that post is from last year so it's dead. Hmm. Sorry bout that. Next time maybe.

Dismissed? Excuse me? I have never dismissed a comment from a non burner account on GT. EVER.

Yeah 'the article you are talking about'. Thats the one. Yep. LINK IT. I have never deleted a single post. If it was written it will be there. Please show your work. Your charges are completely absurd. Who the fuck would ever believe that shit? Make your lies more believable man, really.

CITATION NEEDED. I mean really. All my posts are still on kinja. Please locate and link this.

No. You decided by creating a false dichotomy between those you called 'them' and those you called 'trans people'. That is where the issue lies. If you say 'them' and then go on to contrast 'them' with trans people... That's where I take serious issue. Again, your words:

Really? You're scratching your head? The direct quote I took issue with didnt help you figure it out at all?