Once again you fail to recognize that you played trans gatekeeper. The end. Lots of allies bitchslap (disgusting term for a feminist website btw) each other and expect cookies. You were right about one thing but you are so very wrong about this. Also, have your negative opinions about trans activists, but keep them to…
Dude, you're the one who suggested people who don't fit the binary don't deserve to be accommodated. People like the very person who's death we're discussing this under.
About non binary trans people. You're wrong. Very wrong. I just can't explain adequately unless you haven't felt it but you're wrong. The gender binary is bullshit. What we refer to as masculine and feminine presentation exists, yes, but it has jack shit to do with what is between your legs and life is not so simple…
No. I'm sorry but no. Jezebel is no place to learn about queer issues. It never has been and if you want to learn something, may I suggest anywhere else. Mainstream feminism does not have a good history with the lesbian/trans community and certainly not the general commentariat of Jezebel. The last time Jezebel wrote…
I'm afraid we cant be friends then. That's unfortunate. GO LEAFS GO!
Any excuse to denigrate the Canadiens is aces in my book. FUCK YOU HABS!
I would point out here that the nazis gassed the fuck out of some queers too. That's where we get the pink triangle thing. It was on the prison uniforms of the queers to differentiate them from the Jews, who got the Star of David. I have a pink triangle tattoo right now. So I'm not even sure how queers cannot speak of…
Here I am both realizing that and realizing I never realized how frequently she uses the term lesbian as a perjorative. Not just because it's lesbophobic (and let's be honest probably transphobic since she's talking about gender presentation and appearance usually when she does it) but also because she's clearly…
Stoehler obvs.
This isnt about transphobia. I do not have time to go searching through months of posts looking for all the places in which this person refuses to define themselves. They've claimed as here to be misgendered, they've claimed on other posts to be a cis man. I honestly can't believe anything out of their mouth anymore.…
It's not clear. What IS clear is that you will dismiss #AllDissentingBlackPeople.
#notAllWhitePeople, misunderstanding and coopting Dr.King... say 'reverse racism'! Say it, please! I'll get a bingo!
So true. Voice of reason over here. :)
Dude, you haven't been fooling anyone for some time now. Lol
That's what I thought.
*piece - you mean you said your piece. What was that about education you were saying?
Mmmmmk. Care to clear up confusion? Where do you fit in lgbt exactly? FOR THE THIRD TIME.
Omfg. Get over yourself. It's you bud. That's why so many people who are not me ALSO call you out and get frustrated with you. FYI.
Are you going with trans woman? Because I will remember. Don't change your mind later and start telling gay men 'how it is' or whatever. I would normally remember that people get confused and things are not always so simple, but you seem to want to chastise people for not getting your pronouns right so obviously this…