You are a saint for googling that for him. Expect him to return after 45 seconds (having read one paragraph) with a "Yes, but...".
You are a saint for googling that for him. Expect him to return after 45 seconds (having read one paragraph) with a "Yes, but...".
There really does come a point where people are sick to death of trying to explain things to you in a constructive manner. Why should we? You don't listen anyway. That has been made abundantly clear. So many people have explained right here why this specific comment was offensive. Accept it. Stop trying to get people…
I have to agree with No Dana, if this was an isolated thing, I would agree with you, but this person has a long history of pissing people off with offensive arguments. I'm not gonna go around linking a bunch of stuff, but trust me there are a lot of links.
Intersectionality is not failing. It is a thing, a concept, a method of looking at a problem. It can't fail because it isn't doing anything. It cant fail any more then life is failing. No, one can fail at life, but life is and will be, whether you personally fail or not. 'Life' itself - does not fail.
They gave her one 'traditional' boys name and one 'traditional' girls name. What the F is the problem here? That the child has been given options while it is still young enough to not know it might want them? Why is everyone so protective of kids bucking traditional gender roles when they get old enough to get bullied…
I could not agree with Uber on this point more. I have said this before but in 16 years of working in restaurants I have never seen anyone mess with a persons food. There are many excellent reasons for not doing this, self respect not the least of them. No. You do not do that. If she actually did that/has done that…
No one is ignoring bi erasure. But I think you would agree that it isn't lesbians who are the root cause of this issue. Even the issue bisexuals have with lesbians 'erasing' them. Look at the second comment I cited: "A friend of mine said that a lot of girls wouldn't date her because they just felt she would dump them…
I retract the first part of my comment in this case then, and apologize for it. However, the vast majority of my comment pertains to the disbelief I have that you cannot see the very painfully obviously lesbophobic bent the entire comments section here has taken and in fact have further taken to chastising the few…
"Brodt was offended because you dismissed his concerns as a bisexual, when in fact, he was questioning a concept within a group he is a part of: gay people."
This is fair. Jezebel headlined it and handled it VERY poorly here. Although, I haven't read her book(s?) but I'm hearing something about flippant and insensitive comments about race? Not a fan of that. Still, though if one is going to write about this, one must be EXTREMELY careful to story it as highly personal. I…
A bunch of irresponsible, heteronormative, fat shaming bullshit? Cause that's what I got from it.
Adults swearing in conversation with each other =/= Beating a small child with a tree branch.
This guy just made the mistake of putting it right in the ad. Usually they save this shit for the interview. He's not unusual, he represents 75% of the men running restaurants.
That would be a great comment if I were trying to argue restaurants are altruistic. I did not make that point however so basically you're just being an ass at this point.
Giant. Also with a G. Giraffe, gigantic, I could go on...
Mk, asshole.
Freedom of religion... but only to help you discriminate against teh gays. Otherwise, what the point?