
Wait, you mean someone us infringing on his freedom of religion? Why that's just unamurrican!


"wow, this guy looks mighty different, i prefer someone that looks more like me". It will not be "wow, this dude is black, he's probably going to be -list of prejudices associated with race-."

This is exactly what I was gonna say about strawberries. In season, local grown strawberries picked when they are still small and perfect are AMAZINGLY delicious. Sweet, juicy and wonderful. But that's never what you get. If you live near me, you get year round gigantic hydroponically grown berries shipped from

"And without the mental category of race, people will not be able to think about discriminating others in terms of race"

Hmm. This makes sense. I just can't believe this is actually a legal course of action to undertake. Maybe I can believe it, as lawmakers in all of NA are woefully under-educated about the internet, but my word, if this isn't already illegal it should be.

Welp. Here's hoping the changes are useful and not just some new version of crappy! Fingers crossed!

Orly? I missed that. I've been working like a dog recently. I'll check it out. Thanks!

Speaking of... While we're at 'fixing kinja' maybe we can get an option to force someone to unfollow us. It would really help with that whole 'kinja actively helps trolls stalk you' problem we also have with some users.

What if someone posted the very same images all over lightposts IRL? Would that be illegal? I have a very hard time believing that would fly legally, speaking. At the very least someone would be arrested for something (maybe disturbing the peace, illegal exposure, obviously 'resistign arrest' tacked onto the end?). If

"I just stole gorey and pornographic images from other sites. That's not illegal in the arrestable offense sense, just civil suit worthy. Then I posted them all the fuck over a place where I knew damn well i did not have consent and regardless of the age of the people viewing them, in fact, not having consent was the

This. They already make multiple burners at will. How many recommends do you need? That's how many burners will be made.

I don't know that what we had before is the only other option. I mean one could hire actual human moderators. That's an option. It works pretty damned well for the subblogs that have them. Just saying. I assume it cuts too far into Denton's yacht budget?

Yeah I wouldn't say 'nobody' has a problem with it. Ask Toronto about G20, ffs. We're still going through all the damned court cases against the cops.

Dear Mr. Ansel,

How this thread became over 50 comments about seafood long, I will never understand.

Well fuck him he's like 10 yes too late to catch that train. People have been putting lobster, sausages and even fucking grilled cheese on Caesars and Bloody Mary's since like forever.

Yes it is. Its offensive e to go around claiming an ancestral history that is not your own. That's both ridiculous and offensive. There is nothing more to say.

OMFGwtf. Race is a social construct in the sense that whatever privileges or disadvantages you receive from society is based on what society see you as, but not in the sense that race is not connected to blood, ethnicity, etc. and that you could change it at will. That's patently ridiculous. And no it has nothing at

did you not read the distinct difference between the two that I described? It was basically the whole comment, ffs. Fuck off.