As if war wasn't centered on the patriarchy and rape culture enough to begin with.
As if war wasn't centered on the patriarchy and rape culture enough to begin with.
Has a dick pic ever worked for anyone ever? "You have deplorable table manners, your stance on same sex marriage is alarming, and your relationship with your mother has a distinct Psycho vibe. However, your penis is pleasingly shaped and the crown has a certain joie de vivre. How soon can we marry?"
I'm going with the eccentric explanation. Put her on the front porch with a glass of sweet tea and call it good.
I look forward to the day where you and I are the older generation then maybe REAL change can happen coming from a Palestinian American :) Thank God for you and many like you.
The justification essentially boils down to "we have historically been discriminated against, therefore its not wrong of us to become the oppressors." Sure. That's fucking logical.
The knee-jerk support for Israel from some Jewish people has always been disturbing to me. During one of the many conflicts between Israel and Palestine, a Jewish woman said that when her kids complained about their first-world problems she would tell them to think about the children suffering in Israel. And I…
"As a Jew, and as someone who has been raised to always support Israel (which, according to my parents, is my spiritual home, although I have never been)"
Well, I admit it, I took the bait. Vigorexia is the preoccupation with building muscle. Turns out that's a thing now.
She went one step further later:
I know. It sucks to make decisions that we later regret that will have an impact on us for the rest of our lives. But this was just such a decision. This was not a new car. She doesn't get takesie backsies. She doesn't get to have regrets. I don't care if it was with the sperm of a whale and an egg of a crackhead. She…
Cancer of Anne42's boredom and disdain, more like.
I know, right? That was my first thought. Who is supposed to die? Someone always dies in his stuff.
If you're a heartless shrew like me, you can just read the wikipedia page for the novel. It's how I've managed to avoid ever seeing a Nicholas Sparks film.
It's a bit too ethnic.
Im calling her, in the rain, with a truck.
Thank you for validating that episode because it was a very weird moment in my life.
I would also like to add that describing anyone's attire as too "ethnic" is completely inappropriate. I work in HR and I would definitely want to know if anyone was saying things like that at my company.