Interspacial Girlfriend

I understand what you're saying here. You make a valid point. I guess, for me, I need to believe that we can do better. I've built my whole mind frame and self-identity around that. Giving up on others would essentially be giving up on myself, and I'm afraid that if I ever do that, I will collapse into such a deep,

My grandfather was the son of a German immigrant who spoke no English until he'd been here for several years. They arrived in the late 1930s, and it wasn't long before being German in their small, southern town was a very frowned-upon thing indeed. He once told me that it was during this time that he learned a

I'm so sorry you had to deal with that! I hope it's done and over with now?

LOL!! You know, I kind of imagine that she'd be a pretty crap hostess. All that talking over people and you-betcha-ing just kills a good dinner vibe.

Always glad to be of service! I can't validate your parking anymore, though. They took my stamp... And my red stapler...

Thank you! Since you won't get notified as new remarks are posted, just refresh the page periodically and they should appear. You most likely knew that, but I just want everything to go smoothly for you! :)

Well, see, it's not that simple. Some of those men (and women) really do fit that description you just gave. Many do not. It really is a case of the vocal minority giving the vast majority a bad name. My car broke down one night two hours outside of town on my way back from a rally we'd been working. Not 15 minutes

Alright, my dear. Here tis! You'll have to forgive me- I didn't know your gender, and didn't want to presume anything, so I used gender-neutral pronouns. I do hope that's okay! I'll e here a bit longer, then in & out for the rest of the day til evening. It may start slow, or it may take off right away. You just write

I'll set it up now!! Gimme a few mins and I'll be back with your link! :)

Well, sadly, I'll be hopping off here soon for most of the day. I don't want to set it up and then not be around to monitor it, but I will go ahead and do so if you're comfortable with that. I'll just check in whenever I can to make sure everyone is playing nicely. I have no doubt that they will. Or, if you prefer to

Hey man, that's the price you pay for sharing an abode with a lady of lesbian party leisure pastimes. ;)

Luck(y) was a lady last night! ;)

Oh, you'll get no argument from me on that, and I am very glad that you brought it up as a possibility for her to consider. It's one of yet many things she and her husband need to discuss. If it really is that he's non-monogamous, well... Let's put it this way- I wouldn't place long odds on that marriage if it's

Agreed. Sadly, the OP doesn't strike me as non-monogamous, and therefore, they're going to have to deal with that. And even if it is sex addiction, which we can't rule out for her, there's still going to be an eternal struggle for them both. There's no good answer here, and the worst part is that there are kids to

SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!! You, madam, are a badass.

It's been my experience that those with countless Facebook "friends" rarely have many (if any) IRL friends. This is a generalization, of course. So, that. And as to how many likes or comments she gets, who cares? This is a woman who posts third wheel status updates as if she's part of the relationship. Half of her

At the end of the day, you have to take care of you. If it's so bad for you there, it's bad or others, too. I doubt they'll be surprised that you're leaving,though they might be a bit caught off guard at the timeline. Some may be hurt that you didn't tell them you were looking. Be very vague, indicate that this new

Mildly relevant:

Prevailing thought on sex addiction these days tends to go one of two ways. Either it's an addiction to a certain kind of sexual release (porn addiction, role playing, etc), or a symptom of some other issue that is assuaged by the sex (which, having relieved the pressure from the problem, becomes addictive behavior to