

Cats come to me, what am I suppose to do? Ignore them? That would be rude! RUDE!

but has it ever dyed its hair *light blonde*? I mean, dark blonde would be fine but light blonde is just disgusting. Also... does his hand have hair?

Clearly because he is magical, everyone wants him. Duh.

Nah, he can see his biases. He just doesn't want to do shit about them! That's all he requires, acknowledgement, not self improvement!

The tail does appear to be coming out of the opening so I think it's just one of those dryers that is really easy to spin even when off and kitty jumped in for a little run while the door was open. I hope so anyways. I mean, my cat is constantly trying to jump in the dryer, it's a constant paranoia of mine to

Clearly, no you cannot. It's impossible. Just ask any of these clever women, they'll tell you!

Is that all it takes? If I paint my nails white can I get away with anything because I'm a good woman? I think I could part with my funky colors if the nail polish was the only thing standing between me and equal rights!

Oh! Oh! Oh! I want to play too!

Ha! Whenever we're out shopping and a screaming child goes past us my boyfriend turns to me and asks "Want kids?" with this devilish smile. Seriously, best birth control ever!

Happy Endings for FIV positive kitties make my heart happy. My FIV positive boy is the greatest cat in the whole world, bar none!

Oh dear, do I have to hand in my vagina now since my shelf is comprised of roughly 75% non-fiction? If I highlight the fiction I read can I keep it? I'm kind of fond of it... what if I promise to read more fiction in the future?

Wow... I'm almost embarrassed to admit how many men on this list I adore. I never felt so mainstream before...

I won't lie, my brain immediately went to the Law and Order episode!

I'm partial to the upsilon myself.

Damn it! I thought it had died again and I was so excited, I haven't seen it recently, granted I only see CNN when I'm at the gym so the window is rather limited every day, but still... I was so hopeful. STEWART! COME KILL IT AGAIN!!!

What exactly should 9th graders be reading then? I mean, I see how this is a touchy subject, but books have conflict. That's a pretty basic part of storytelling. If we ban every book that has a subject matter that may be tough for some students to get through, there would be nothing left to read. I would be more than

Ditto! I had deep cystic acne across my face, neck, back, shoulder, and chest. It hurt more than anything. I struggled with it for years and years, I had horrible scarring and constant sores. I still get the occasional breakout on my face but most people rave about how gorgeous my skin is now, I can't believe how well

That is so weird. I graduated HS in New England and I don't remember there being ANY rules about what you could or could not wear under the robe or as shoes... I think I wore a red dress? I remember plenty of people in jeans though, it just wasn't a big deal.

Thank you! My boyfriend's brother initiated a conversation with me about Blackadder and then got pissed when I started talking about the final episode of season 4, he literally screamed "SPOILERS" at me. For Christ's sake... the episode aired in 1989. You have NO excuse to have not seen it yet but to start talking to