
Yes, but my point is you COULD personally be pro-life, but feel that your own morality shouldn't be what dictates the law. You said you can't be pro-life and pro-choice and that's nonsense because the terms themselves are just stupid. It doesn't matter what I PERSONALLY feel when I think about abortion, I don't like

I'm so jealous, I live in one of the most hotly contested seats in the country. We're a conservative pocket (ugh) in a deep blue state with a large influx of college educated tech workers from across the country. Our last congressional fight was nasty and lasted for days after the election while they counted and

Evidently he's also only mad if you need them from the government. I guess if we can afford them on our own, Huckabee is all for the whore pills right? Bootstraps!

Worse part of all this? I still had a year left in a very small program with him after this. He even went on to ask MY advisor to be his as well despite having some pretty big differences in our studies. I couldn't shake the guy. He ended up dropping out without completing the program and going on a Facebook tangent

At least there are colors other than grey?

The four cookies of the apocalypse?

When I dyed my hair from brunette to blonde I did get a pretty nice career boast, it also came from someone who had never physically seen me before... so I guess the universe was just picking up on my lighter hair? (Screw hard work and perseverance, it's all about the hair!)

My brother and sister-in law have literally not posted a single picture between them to Facebook that doesn't have their baby in it since she gave birth in November... of 2012. Not. A. Single. Picture.

What if I feel my own issues on personal morality or what I would do in any certain situation isn't how laws should be written that will have a very real impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of other women? What if I don't like the government being involved in a medical procedure and would prefer to leave the

HOORAY!!! Be right back; off to find kitties!!!

I tried on a sweater the other day? It causes cancer in the state of CA! I wanted to buy it and run around hugging people I don't like, felt like it was worth the risk.

What if we glue it back together REALLY carefully?


God yes, no more reboots! It's a crime show for Christ's sake, how hard is it to just write a new version? They all recycle very similar plot lines, people can only be murdered in so many exciting and interesting mysterious ways! If she were to go forward with this one she'd be constantly living in Lansbury's shadow,

But remember, for men, it's just biology. Men CAN'T control themselves around us. That's why we'll get raped if we join the army, or wear a short skirt, or go out drinking, or... exist. Not their fault, they can't control themselves and their libidos but it's ok because it's acceptable; if WE can't control ourselves

So.... what if, for the sake of argument, we CAN afford our own birth control? What does that mean? If I can afford the pill on my own am I driven by my libido and unable to control myself from my basic primal urges or did I pull myself up by my bootstraps and you therefore don't care what I spend my money on Mr

I feel like a hopeless optimistic in this case but there really MIGHT be a good reason for this Google result. I mean, your child's sexuality is an incredibly personal thing. (as are some of the other issues such as self harm and mental health) Let's say you live in a rather isolated community where sexuality isn't

silver lining?

Damn, I'm not even a big fan of Beckett and I find that incredibly depressing to think about.

Inquiring minds NEED to know!