interrogator-chaplain - Support the GMG Union!

The whole Andrew Tate worshipping gamer crowd is just weird to me. Growing up as a kid in the 90s, a girl who knew her way around a video game was the girl every boy wanted to hang out with at my school, now the tiki torchers want to gate-keep video games into a sausage fest.

In the replies to Piscatella’s tweets, many have reacted to the data with anger, skepticism, and shitty jokes.

Tomorrows headline:

I think this sentence is supposed to have a “not” in it;

Union guy here but bullshit on this!

Can’t wait for all the good cops to come out of the woodwork and back this guy up. Any minute now...

Look at what happens when one cop tries to be good and do the right thing - you see an entire wave of bad cops (and their “unions”) come crashing down on top of him. This person became an officer of the law for all the right reason instead of to bully and take advantage of the power, apparently like a majority of the

A typical spoiled brat who can’t see past his own nose.

More like “Screw you, got mine.

Lol, yeah. I hate that idiots like this are even part of the new cycle.  it makes Esports stink more than it already does.

This just in, “professional” gamer is an idiot. 

I’m just sad that Art Bell isn’t here for this.

Comment approved? Nice to see meaningful, mature conversation such as this comment being given the thumbs up. Why even have an approval process? 

A much better idea is to give him as much as airtime as possible on multiple networks and devote countless of hours to round table discussions about every little thing he has ever done or said. This has, to my knowledge, never backfired, especially not during the 2016 election.

They worked for decades to make people dumber, angrier, and easier to manipulate. Then along comes Donny and says “thank you very much, I’ll take that mob, make it even dumber and angrier, and ride it to power.” It has completely fucked them (and the country) up for a long time to come.  Now they are in so deep they

Lightyear was also disadvantaged because it looked like boring ass.

It was a movie that everyone knew would end up on Disney plus that no one asked for. It didn’t fit the tone and general aesthetic of the series it spun off of. Also it was released at one of the worst times ever for box offices. But sure it’s the gay relationship.

Ugh, this guys has a trans daughter. He’s literally directing his audience to hate his daughter.

Had there ever been a question of the Musks being elitists and taking advantage of minorities for their personal gain?

The “what is a woman” thing is a ridiculous gotcha question. Some women can’t have children, some women don’t have breasts, some women were born with ambiguous genitalia.