Styling wise, this thing will be on Meh Car Monday within 6 months.
Styling wise, this thing will be on Meh Car Monday within 6 months.
Model Y will definitely be making it to Meh Car Moday within the next 6 months.
I’ll take one in red.
I love going to see movies in theater, and I will try to justify that a movie wasn’t *that* bad after seeing it.
Except Anchorman 2. There is nothing in the universe that could save that rancid trash heap of a movie.
(I also just ate lunch, but now I’m hungry again.)
In an interview on Friday, Schultz again criticized the Democrats, warning that a so-called “far-left” presidential candidate would help Trump win.
Everytime I look at the headlights I’m reminded of someone pulling back a persons eyelids so you can see the top of their eyeball.
Buddy could almost pass for an older Tony Stark, you’d at least have to do a double take.
That was a major plot point to the Truman Show, yes.
I believe this, or something like this was the reason that Mark David Chapman shot John Lennon. Kept seeing coincidences everywhere.
Terms that are likely to be used tomorrow at the Hamagami/Carroll Inc. offices: “PR Nightmare, Retooling, Crisis Mode.”
Sad beep.
Absolutely. The series is strong enough to endure.
Mercs vs. spies from Chaos Theory remains one of my favourite online experiences of all time. One of the best asymmetric gametypes that has ever been.
R i c h & W h i t e & E n t i t l e d
I was literally coming here to see if someone posted this, and if not, I was going to.
I get why, but with the paint and headlights, I like it even more now.
Can't help but look at $500 and think of what I could buy from Forge World with an extra $500 to blow. Astraeus... Fellblade... Most of a Mastodon...