interrogator-chaplain - Support the GMG Union!

Nah, they just pop you off in traffic and leave a note that says: “Drug user” and walk/moped away.

I’ll give it to you.

A friend of mine was truly relishing the idea that she was cloned from Luke’s dismembered hand.

Oh no! Mildly adult situations, good lord!

Charles Manson technically didn’t kill anyone either, but he’s still regarded as the reason Sharon Tate and the rest died.

I always thought that you had to make the circle and place it below your waist and then make them look at it.

As for your second question, it’s part of Nazi trolling in which they co-opt everyday symbols to try and fuck with our heads, and normalize themselves. Keep using the “ok” sign, when Nazi’s see you making it,

For me personally, it’s both how quickly you can jump back into things after you die, and the thrill of the hunt. Because the vast majority of the time I die, winning feels like a real accomplishment. Sure you didn’t kill 100 other people to get to the win, but you outlasted them.
But the majority of the time, if you

Crashing for me on PC is the exception rather than the rule.

That’s just wrong though, I’ve been playing it since September and I’ve never spent even a half hour watching streamers play it. The core gameplay is just fun, despite the flaws and the jump to 1.0 has made it better, if still flawed.


Thanks a-fucking lot.

To prevent another Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

I will say he does fall below Don Jr. and Eric though.

Have you stopped to consider that the same might be true of every other automotive website??

You know if they fixed the double window glitch?

I’m not pro-player so my two stand-out events aren’t Highlight Reel material, but my two events I remember this year was really going hard in a full game of Battlefield 1 Conquest going 52 and 14 and getting 1st on the scoreboard.
Second was in a team game of PUBG a team in a car got the jump on my team and I went full

Forgetting to carry the 2 in a multiplication equation is an honest error. There’s at least 2 or 3 moments before your dick is in another person where you might go: “Hmm, seems like I might be fucking up here.”

Goddammit Kinja...

it’s something.jpg

If any of you get horny while playing this, I... congratulations? Now go see a therapist, and maybe tell a lot of people so they know to be alone with you.

I’m not sure they have bondo in their toolkit.