Interplanet Janet

I think your criticisms that they reunite too easy will be solved in the next few episodes. That’s pretty evident from next week’s teaser alone. The whole point of this episode is the joyful discovery of a lost love and they flat out said they didn’t want to get to the hard stuff yet (when Claire tells him “they don’t

I’m trying to remember - did the books address the danger of the stones at this juncture? I know that in Dragonfly, it’s said that some people (like Jamie) can’t travel through the stones, so we have that information. I believe that after Claire goes through this last time, she’s knocked unconscious for a while and

also, like, if Claire is bringing penicillin to 1766 Scotland (a full 162 years before it was discovered) does that mean everyone in the current 2017 timeline is already dead from all the antibiotic-resistant super-bugs?

I don’t mind it long, I just think the hairline doesn’t look very believable. I kinda dig the ponytail.

Willie isn’t blonde, he inherited his mother’s darker chestnut hair .

In fairness, childbirth was pretty much the number one killer of women back then and the more kids you had, the more likely you were to die so I don’t know that Jamie can be blamed for that. Claire gets pregnant pretty easily with Jamie. Her struggle seems to be more with Frank (I always got the impression the problem

You have to figure that all his kids must have giant heads.

And why did Claire not find Murtagh’s name when looking through the info on Jamie? It seems like that would have made her jump for joy?? IDK, I think the show sometimes struggles with the number of characters and the compression of time. At least we had a vested interest in Murtagh being given medical attention as

Can confirm - as someone who never read the books, this was revealed at the end of last season.

But Murtagh has a completely different personality than Duncan. There are some story points later that Murtagh simply would do. Duncan is happy to be a follower .

Also, it was pretty clear Frank never went down on Claire in the book. Jamie has to cajole her into letting him at first. This was actually one of the changes I disliked. I always thought it was cool that the mid 20th century British dude wasn’t as sexualy liberated and eager to please a lady than the 18th century

John Grey, at first, in the books always felt like Diana we trying to fix her gay representation issues in the books, ‘see! not all gay guys are sexual predators!” and gradually just changed into a friend and more rich character who really does give a fascinating insight into loving who you love and not knowing how to

Maybe Jaime Lannister will finally rescue Edmure Tully.

Given the later emphasis on “Jamie’s Ardsmiur men” I’m going to convince myself that Murtagh stays with us.

That sounds right to me. I don’t think we ever saw Rupert or Angus again either (Angus’ prior death was an invention of the show). There were a bunch of people that Jamie just never saw again after the battle. But come on, who could be mad at seeing more of Murtagh? Having read the books, I would love it if Murtagh

I don’t recall Murtagh still being present at this point in the books though I may be wrong. Even so, I wonder if he’ll replace Duncan Innes in the larger narrative?

I am always impressed by the direction of hetero female desire on this show. All Jamie did in Claire’s fantasy was walk away, turn, smile, and walk back to her and it was one of the most sexualy explicit and erotic things I’ve seen on premium cable.