Interplanet Janet

I agree especially re: him asking about Brianna. They definitely could have taken more time there, I even would have been fine with a montage-y part there. I love from the books how much he freaks out on first hearing about her, can’t hold the pictures himself all capped by the line: “He buried his face in my shoulder

Yeah, I could be conflating things with later portions, though the books talk a lot more about the sound and how horrible it was even when Geillis went through and (though not at this stage since we are still just in Claire’s POV) how Bree and Roger were negatively affected even by being close to the stones when

I agree they failed to give good stakes to why Brianna pushes Claire to leave. There is one line almost a throw away from Brianna, wanting Jamie to know about her that I wish would have been more of a thing. That could have worked for me that after months of Claire and the research allowing Brianna to know about

Fair point probably depends on your theory of time travel and if “history” can be changed, but it’s not like she plans to manufacture and market the stuff.

Very good points all around. The problem was Frank, confirmed in both the books and show. I’m basing my assumption re: Claire on them being together for about a year before she became pregnant the first time, but my timing could be off on that.

I agree there is a ton to get through in Voyager (and really that’s going to be an issue for several of the books going forward). I hope the show runners think carefully about which plots are long-term necessary, which are worth it even if they aren’t, and which could be cut or substantially changed. If anything they

Sounds about right, though with Faith (and my complete lack of medical training, but some knowledge of policy debates on what kills women in pregnancy and birth to this day) it read more like an issue that caused bleeding from the placenta/early labor, so placental abruption or similar.

See, I want Jamie’s hair to be long (like Lord John’s long). Partly it’s a personal preference, but there is lots of great imagery in the books that I think we are missing out on. I’m resigned to have lost on this one, but do like the moments of the mini-Jamie pony tail as being closer to what I’m looking for.

The books imply that Claire doesn’t get pregnant easily and has hard pregnancies (outright saying that she would have died giving birth to Brianna if she had stayed) though given that to our knowledge Jamie has fathered three children and they all caused injury or death to the mothers it really could be his fault.

After thinking about it a bit, I figured out what bugs me about Murtagh living even though I love him. How did he end up in prison? It seems very against character for him to have left Jamie and the others at the battle, they were executing most jacobites for a while. They don’t strictly need to tell us I’m just

What may or may not be a mild book spoiler:

Book based opinions, feel free to skip:

That’s a great thought, while thrilled to see him, I would feel bad if the character was just held around for fan service given twenty years at least of a pretty rough go post Culloden, but yeah, he could theoretical be merged into a replacement for the Duncan character with reasonable adjustments. That would be

Yeah, in the book I’m not even sure if it’s Harvard as opposed to one of the other other handful of Boston med schools plus it happens in in the mid 1950s when Brianna is in school as opposed to being an infant which would have given Claire more time to do pre-med stuff. I’m intrigued to see how they are going to

I have sympathy for Frank, he’s in an awful situation if for no other reason than the person he loves does not reciprocate in kind, though he doesn’t always deal with that in the best way. Claire is certainly not particularly sympathetic here, though I will in her defense say she’s had a rough time of it and while 6

Book reader here also: I was remarkably not bothered by the punishment scene when I read the book and I think they handle it well here. It is incredibly realistic that Jaime would certainly consider it his duty to tawse (as it is referred to—punishment and painful but considered different than beating with fists as

And of course Toby knows that he's been to 441 Yankee games.

And of course Toby knows that he's been to 441 Yankee games.

Full disclosure, I absolutely love this episode, probably my favorite of the show so I can't say that my comments are in any way objective, but still I wanted to make a few points.

There isn't more set up, but that's part of the point.  She gets the news almost immediately before going into the briefing room and says to I think Josh and Toby that she hasn't talked to anyone this is just her and it's not possible to paint it as part of the administration view point.  I believe, though I can't