
Go Pats!!!

Maybe the fucktard will do the world a solid and walk in front of a bus....then we can all dance on his grave and speak ill of the dead.

It is a good thing Trump is so fucking fat because he is a small small man... and a petty ass punk.

“...saying their office “is disappointed with the (trial) outcome and feels the actions of our troopers clearly did not violate established procedures or tactics....”

Word salad much?

Only because she couldn’t tie it to illegal immigrants and why we should build a stupid wall... what a stupid cunt.

Are they good for eating? Fried? Toasted?

Trump is a petty punk-ass bitch...he can go fuck himself.

Yeah... good luck with that :-)

Not everything needs to keep being upgraded and not everything needs to continue to live. Some products are just right for their moment in time.

“....Ceglia “skipped out on a $250,000 bond guaranteed by his brother and parents...”

What a fucking cunt...hope the Internet makes her life hell from here on out. 

Yes...John McCain would rather DIE than see that stupid cunt in office. We can live with that.

“We could all serve to drink a little bit less. And it would save lives.”

“That’s hundreds of thousands of extra deaths globally,”

Wake the fuck up.

How much “white-r” does she want her “privilege” to be? Perhaps she is expecting to be commended for her quick “super sincere non-apology” for getting caught in the act???

Nature doesn’t give a fuck what people believe....nor does it care whether you have your head up your own ass neither.

Craven ass motherfuckers....

We saw that episode of Hard Knocks. How does this fucking moron still have a job in this day and age where sport is governed by science and not some idiot “back in my day” shit???