
We’ll all find out’s just jerking off in the meantime.

A pretty good time for the other providers to give the fire department a call...

Or we just die and that’s it.

Will check it out!

Clearly we are just missing something... kind of like not understanding that a mouse cursor move across a multi-monitor setup with a wide physical space between the displays is NOT moving faster than the speed of light :-)

Those folks are bitch-ass punks...

Trump... that bone-spur excuse of a motherfucker...

Stupid bitch.

Fuck those “truther ” bitch-ass cunts....

US ICE = Nazi SS

It is the “thin skin” that makes white people like Ivanka “white.”

“...Shuler could face up to 140 years in jail, along with a period of supervised release, and will have to cough up some $36,785.67...”

Why can’t we take parts of what works with one system and combine it with parts of what works in another? Why does it have to be “pure” anything???

Cats do not give a shit what you call them... they ONLY care that you come when they call.

Everybody hates a punk-ass bitch...

So... he has always been a bitch-ass punk then.

Sue the motherfuckers into is the only consequence those cunts understand.

More like “Unite a bunch of ignorant fucks”....

It would explain why Trump is so fucking fat...