
Please finish school...

Who knew that Assholes Masquerading as People have their own ‘fest’...

REALLY looking forward to dancing at Trump’s funeral...can’t happen soon enough.

Absolutely...and guns, don’t worry about them...they are safe as ever.

Look for Trump to use it as an excuse to invade...

“...Raiders outdo their own capacity for abject humiliation...”

Looking forward to the New England Invitational... otherwise known as Super Bowl 54:-) LOL!!!

LOL... indeed!!!

Nobody should live forever... morality is Nature’s only insurance against stupidity.

Didn’t think Trump could be stupider than his supporters, but we were wrong. He is just a fucking moron...and that is saying something considering that his supporters are raging idiots.

“...and this is why we can’t have nice things.” said the monkey’s mates in the enclosure.

“...the security industry is responding negatively to this company and its research because it isn’t ready...”

He figures... why not? Americans have been buying shit from these guys all their lives...

Well... no “faker” than Trump’s combover, so what’s the big deal? Oh wait... that’s a real combover! Never mind.

Go fuck yourself. Oh... forgot to add “ you stupid cunt.”

The best safe guard Nature ever devised... a limited life span.

How much of a fucked up cunt does one have to be to think like that piece of shit Miller?

LOL... yeah, sure.

The same reason why we don't all walk around with name tags during the day.
