He gets paid to be an apologist for the NFL... cannot wait until the day that Brady/Belichick combo is done so we can stop rooting for the Patriots and spend all our time watching another corruptly run sport like soccer!!!
He gets paid to be an apologist for the NFL... cannot wait until the day that Brady/Belichick combo is done so we can stop rooting for the Patriots and spend all our time watching another corruptly run sport like soccer!!!
Fuck Graham with a chainsaw...
“...making an effort to understand how these people’s brains work...” Why? They are fucked in the brain and they don’t work.
Vote the fucker out of office and drive the white power cockroaches back under the floor tiles where they belong...then spray them with Raid.
Trump ... what a fucking retard. Choke on a chicken bone and die already!!!
Here’s hoping Hannity accidentally kills himself with a chainsaw...
Good that they got him! And since he is not a billionaire with heavy political connections, and an oh yeah, he isn’t white.... he is toasted.
Hope Martinez sues the fuck out of the idiot in the Jeep...
Some idiots are fragile... we enjoy seeing them break :-) Is that... wrong?
“My little siblings bought it from a flea market. I don’t support slavery and neither do my siblings,” he told Yahoo.
Did the team ...win? If they did, then it worked.
Only Trump would legitimize a prison camp headed by a psychopath... Next step? Trump will be selling weapons to NK for “defensive” purposes.
Fuck Trump and his supporters... but we’ll go to the White House for Trump’s funeral, dance on his grave, and speak ill of the dead. We’ll happily do that :-)
Huh... thought those two fucktards were dead! LOL!!!
Hey...it is not curing cancer or creating a vaccine for a disease, but definitely not as fucked up as shooting people for some white-trash reason.
So... he is showing signs of CTE already? That is what we are concluding from his dumbass comments...
When one works for a fucktard, be prepared to be fucked. Still, hard to feel bad for either the fucktard or the fucked.
Trump is such a fucking cunt... as are his supporters.
We all should apologize for the Republican fucktards...