
Here's a mega-overshare/question: Does anyone else have to change a tampon every time they poo too? I feel like the tampon kind of gets...pushed out of place in the process and then it's super uncomfortable, so I always end up taking it out and getting a new one. Just me?

Judging by your posts (which honestly made me feel sick), you are not the kind of person a woman would ever tell about a rape incident. Women who have been sexually assaulted do not walk around with signs on their necks letting people know that 'Warning! Rape Victim Coming Through!'. A lot of women bury it deep, some

You trust everyone until they actually attack = "of course she got raped, dumb bint was aware enough of what goes on in the world to protect herself."

How about this: you shouldn't get drunk at work and then hit on your coworkers at work after hours while they're trying to get shit done. Is that so fucking hard? The behavior was flat out inappropriate, and then it felt more threatening to the person because they had to start worrying about what the next

No, you idiot, it would ALSO be sexual assault. Men are also sexually assaulted, though far less than women, and this too is a problem (most of these cases, it should be noted, are at the hands of other men). Sexual assault is bad no matter what, but women are VERY OFTEN sexually assaulted, and so when a drunk guy has

Women being cornered by drunk dudes and raped or assaulted is a real thing that happens. It's not any fault of hers and shes aware of a potential reality and prepared for worst case scenarios. Also I noticed you said this entire article is just nothing but whining but you've likely never been made to feel unwelcome

Imagining the worst possible outcome can save you a world of trouble too.

I hate to be accusatory, but you may be a complete idiot and not realize it. I think that is what everyone is trying to tell you

A drunk person, making unsolicited, unwanted comments about your appearance while blocking your only means of an exit, coupled with the fact that 1 in 4 women in the united states is sexually assaulted before they even graduate college, means that this is an uncomfortable situation at the best, and she needs to think

Having worked for the Obama campaign and being disappointed with several aspects of his administration, I gotta say hearing him speak up on this issue made me really proud of him. White people (and I say this in the least offensive way possible) can never really know how utterly demoralizing racial profiling can be,