How did the guys in the top photo use MS paint to create their sheet banners?
How did the guys in the top photo use MS paint to create their sheet banners?
Pootie Tang is a national treasure of comedic genius.
To what end and why?
Maybe your selection process is different.
Maybe to people who don’t love cats.
Then why waste your time?
For real! You know it, I know it, the whole damn world knows it.
It’s not so much that there’s a grain of truth there, it’s that it’s hetero women’s own fault for not being open to sex with other women that casual sex isn’t as rewarding.
Hehe, it’s funny because thats how my wife and I do.
Haha, I was imagining the vibrator equivalent of a Zoolander sized phone (and school for ants)
Oh those poor women who just don’t know any better, how sad.
In the abstract no, in the specific yes.
How small is small to you? Form 2 by JimmyJane is not only my wife’s jams its also our travel companion.
Is it a cop out to ask if your hookup has sex toys she likes and to use them during the hookup?
Meaning of Life made real.
You are the Bill Cosby of Respectability Politics in Baseball.
It’s a “Fuck that ridiculous call, we gonna win this game regardless” emoting.
Thanks for your contrarian opinion.
A return to ‘making eyes’ is what awaits us. Weep in your vodka tonics people, this means actual eye contact.
Michael Ironside works for the Blue Jays?