If it ever comes to nextflix, you might give it a try. It was funny to me and I was in my early teens when I was watching it. Won tons of Emmys, so they were doing something right.
If it ever comes to nextflix, you might give it a try. It was funny to me and I was in my early teens when I was watching it. Won tons of Emmys, so they were doing something right.
Lol! I can see how if someone watched the show only half-listening they might come away with that impression!
I was too, until I remembered that episode of Frasier.
In the nineties everyone marvelled at how the Internet was an “information explosion”. Now it just seems to be an explosive voiding of the bowels.
I just checked, and I’ll admit I’m stultified by the stupidity of the questions; but the top answer seems to always be the correct one.
Ditto! I'd have been so embarrassed not to know these things as a teen! And I managed to find the info in a pre-Internet world. Now it seems like the info should find these kids even if they aren't looking for it.
People in this country are really stupid. I mean bone-stick-stone stupid.
I’m not excusing “abstinence only” education, but teenagers today must be dumb as ditchposts of they don’t understand what the hell a condom is for, or how babies are made.
I suppose it would kill the joke if they went into further explanation, but did they say what the hell the other bases were?
It’s absolutely insane that even though every kid has a computer in their pocket that can connect them to more knowledge than any other people had throughout the history of civilization, so few of them get curious as to where the hell babies come from, or how a condom works and punch their questions into Google.
Lol what the hell movie was that from?
I’d like to drink with you, Tina; because I'm curious about how pedantic we'd each get. (If you don't remember that conversation, I won't hold it against you)
This contest is over. You Win!
You deserve a galaxy of stars for this.
I thought I'd miss Facebook, but I like my family better now that I'm off it.
You said it, Mo.
That's hilarious.
It's a hard one. I personally wouldn't know that was an offensive remark if I hadn't watched so much BET Comic View back in the late nineties. Then again, who knows? Perhaps the knowledge would have found me some other way.
The world is turning into a cesspool of imbeciles.
I think weddings are fine, but expensive weddings are a really stupid way to begin a marriage. Instead of having a giant party, why not use that money as a downpayment on a house?