Sorry, Serious Business / N.A. Ice Cream.
Sorry, Serious Business / N.A. Ice Cream.
You lean forward a little and give your tush a little push upwards while maintaining contact on the seat with your thighs so that you can access it from the back. Duh!
I don’t really watch a lot of anime. But could the percieved drop in quality simply be that, as you said “there is more anime now then there used to be”?
The hilarious thing is that I’ve been there long enough that I am a moderator on one of their subsites, but now any time I comment on an article on the main page (which is less and less frequently, for obvious reasons), I have a creepy stalker troll who constantly tells me I’m a newbie who is unwelcome and should go…
If it makes you feel better, I was a long time commenter on Wonkette, long before BCO came to town, and when they switched to Disqus about a year ago they got invaded by asswipes who chased 95% of the old commenters out. The current crowd is horrid.
yup. Mr. Denton himself used to follow me, but I was quite forceful in my opinions about some goings-on afoot, and I got booted. I just started again with the same name, and no one cared.
I just came back with the same name and started commenting again.
Why are people concerned if these people are not bothering anyone? In fact, they apparently are pleasant and do a lot of good? Is it because it's different? different keeps the world interesting. I like this.
That sucks. Anyone who has been here long enough has run afoul, myself included. Thrice. I know what I did. Frankly, I feel great about it.
Because a lot of reddit commenters couldn’t fathom that women their age haven’t had a sexual relationship with a man, and a lot of the more insulting comments suggested that they must be incestuous.
it's not annoying! gawker blogs continually assume that there is only one city in Australia and it is simultaneously the beach and the outback.
My Aunt Julie lived in a big and very old house in Detroit. Directly across the street from her was a house with a turret which creeped out my sister to no end. Directly next door to the right side was a younger couple with a huge dog named Gunther. (Gunther was also the name of the German man who came by to play…
Identical twin here! You really can’t force twins to develop separate identities. It mostly just happens automatically (because it’s kind of obvious to us that we are two separate people).
It seems that Paula and Helen are who they are because they’re Paula and Helen, and that’s how Paula and Helen roll. They seem…
Like, half the staff of Jez just got fired for no discernible reason (except for C.A. Pinkham, which, good riddance.) They don’t have great job security.
All I can think about is how tough it’s going to be on the other when one of them dies. Now I’m sad :(
Why would they have to be forced to develop different/separate personalities? This is who they are. They flourish together. Let them be. A lot of people have individual personalities and they are still fucking boring people. We had a set of old man twins in our neighborhood when I was growing up. They lived together,…
I read the NYT story. It stated that several ISIS fighters didn’t even know the Quran and had to be taught the rules for engaging in the sexual abuse of these women. It just shows that these people are MINOs (Muslims in Name Only) and not actually practitioners of the faith. Several other outlets have reported the…
I still love him, even if he knows dick about cat dick.
The nose typically stops growing at the age of 15 in girls and 16 in boys although the skin can continue to change over the lifetime and if it thickens a lot it can weigh down the nose especially the tip region.