Serious Business

They’d hate Jesus if he were around today. There’s a section in Matthew chapter 23 where Jesus is laying into the hypocrites of his time, basically saying that they build up monuments to all the persecuted ancient prophets, and work their wet jaws constantly that they wouldn’t have shared in their persecution if they

Doesn't matter. If a person is going to be a clownish jackass brimming pustule of idiocy, there should be someone to illustrate that humanity is capable of aspiring to so much better.

Bourdain for me. I guarantee anything written by him is going to be vastly more entertaining than Guy’s scribblings.

You stopped a cult from taking over the world once. You have to expect people are going to hit on you now that you are famous.

It is a lousy justification. The valid justification is that Anthony Bourdain has razor wit and sophistication, while Guy acts like a clown, celebrates the worst kind of food, and panders to the dickweed 18-25 demographic. That invites ridicule, and luckily we have someone like Bourdain who can turn a phrase and do it

Bourdain is master of the wit and the repartee. Guy is a joke who deserves to soak up those insults because he invites them by acting like a clown.

Haven’t seen you in a long-ass time, man. Glad you're back!

I hope the Arbiters of Worthy Womanhood who sit on the High Council over at Glamour magazine don’t feel that this insult has tarnished the shine of their prestigious award.

“Instead of silence or helpfulness, social media pukes out stupidity, virtue-signaling and vicarious ‘enjoyment’ (in a psychoanalytic sense) of a terrible tragedy by people thousands of miles away, for whom the event is just a meme they will participate in for a couple of days, then let fade into their timeline.”

I’d feel more comfortable if the person making The case against extending the copyright were anyone but Cory Doctorow. He gives away everything he writes for free.

On NPR there was a story about a 56-year-old man who was getting a master’s degree from George Washington University. At the same time, two of his children were also getting their master’s degrees, and a third was getting her bachelor’s, all from the same university as their father.

Your post makes me misty. I’m sorry for your loss.

When Disney acquired Lucasfilm back in 2012, there was some excitement that perhaps this meant Princess Leia would be admitted into the Disney Princess club alongside Ariel, Belle, Cinderella and the rest. It never happened, though. Why?

Although I DO believe that contrary to what the cop’s (probably only) black friend Cortland said, Holtzclaw DOES have an issue with the AA community and the people in it, let me give him the benefit of the doubt for a second and speak to that friend:

...the album feels re-gifted at best

Remember back in the late nineties when everyone was talking about what an amazing “information explosion” the Internet was? I’m pretty sure people don’t say that anymore because that explosion is starting to look more and more like a violent voiding of the bowels. Yik Yak is just one more men’s room wall in a gas

I’m sure Amy is happy with success, but the fame that goes with it probably does really suck. I took out my trash yesterday wearing a cinched-up bathrobe, and was actually thinking how nice it was that there weren’t paparazzi jumping out of the bushes strobing me with their flashes, as I grimaced wearily. Pictures

I watched a clip of that whole debacle where Trump was going on about how preposterous Ben Carson was. The crazy part isn’t Trump! Look at the sycophantic horde behind him! As he balls up his rhetorical fist and lets loose with all the unverified minutiae in his verbal haymakers, the people behind him are transfixed!

Why don’t people have more sympathy for the underdog just trying to scratch out a living?

Can someone clue me in on why this woman would stay with this guy? (I’ve never seen an episode)