Very, Very immature pair of ladies you got there. They sound like the kind of kids who try to throw rocks between the bars of the bear cage.
Very, Very immature pair of ladies you got there. They sound like the kind of kids who try to throw rocks between the bars of the bear cage.
ARGH! I just lost a post to the ether! A nice nuanced one, too!
I have enough Canadian friends to know you are either talking about Vancouver, Toronto, Mississauga, or Brampton.
Well, I think we can make it official and declare throughout the land that guys should stop sending unsolicited pictures of their dicks to women.
Serious question: When you are looking for a casual hookup, do you appreciate dick-pics? I mean, I assume it isn't all you hope to see in a profile, but is it important or even relevant?
Lol, I’m happily married, so that hope is sweet, but misplaced. :)
Her grandson Donovan is to be commended as well, for helping get the work done. It’s an unfortunate thing that most teenagers have a towering sense of pride about their ignorance of anything that has happened before they arrived. Dumb as ditchposts, Tabula rasa, some of them.
*turns towards the window*
I didn't feel like an adult until I hit 30, three years ago. I miss how open my heart felt back when I was still in my teens and early twenties. Music had a bigger impact back then, and you actually had time to connect with friends more deeply.
I had that crush too. Lita was *my* sailor scout, back when I was a 14 year old dude realizing how cool anime was. I still carry a torch for a sailor Jupiter cosplayer I knew back in the early aughts. We both had a crush on eachother, but circumstances made it so we couldn’t move forward on it.
You and your friend sound super cool. I wish we could have all gone to the same high school.
If celebs are involved, I can see why you've had to sign NDAs.
So you are saying these girls have sex, but pillory the girls who imitate them?
Just pretend it happened 20 years ago, and remove the anachronisms.
I miss all those old Sierra games, Freddy. Remember Quest for Glory?
I’m sure Natasha is gratified that you feel her piece of journalism was too bloviating to be worth your time to read, but that the picture at the top redeems it. She probably just views her scribblings as a silly little hobby, anyway.
Jezebel should do one of those things where they ask for horror stories. This time with a daycare theme. If they do, I hope you will dish.
So Pauly D wasn't too busy for this? Wow!
I think it’s hard to predict. I wish I could account for why a movie like “The Color Purple” wasn’t ignored by white people, but “Beloved” played to crickets.
One problem is the friggin audience. Most people seem to reject movies unless they are marketed in a way that confirms their basest stereotypes about the “other”.