Serious Business

Some great excerpts from Eric D Snider’s review of the movie:

pleading temporary insanity

I used to watch BET Comic View back in the nineties. This woman (and to a greater extent) Clinton was the topic of most of the jokes one year.

It would appear that the unicorn lady's pictures have been dismissed as spam. Don't worry. You aren't missing anything. Just a lazy trolling attempt.

You do have a right to be proud. A good, interesting article I’ll read; but when the author also knows how to turn a phrase, then I’ll kiss the hem of their garment. Why say “he couldn’t control his addiction”, when you could instead say “he was never able to outrun his appetites”?

I sure hope the girl and the mom are more upset as a matter of principle, rather than crestfallen that she won't be part of one of the many apparatuses in place that serve to heap worship on a bunch of guys because they are good at throwing a ball around.

Congrats getting out of the grey void!

Do a few idiots venting their displeasure in all caps via social media really a controversy make?

I have no doubt they fanned the flames of this supposed controversy. There is no such thing as bad advertising.

How did a bullet get in there without demolishing his teeth and gums? Was he yawning when the gun went off?

Nice to know that despite a life of adversity, he at least learned how to be a generous lover.

Not just that, though. There are a great many things wrong with that statement.

Yeah I did some research, and some people speculate it was how a lot of dudes would ditch their stashes so nobody would see it in their curb-side trash.

Why were they out there? Homeless dudes hoarding them?

Edit: posted something to the wrong person

Yeah, see the one where she posts her pic under that woman’s mugshot and says “I look better than that cunt?” It’s so purposefully inflammatory, irrelevant, and uncharacteristic of what most women would ever say (unless they had been provoked), that it is setting off my troll detector. Some dude posing as a “vapid

It’s such a sudden, ham-handed bit of obnoxiousness, I’m actually starting to think this is a troll trying to get flamed as “an attention whore”.

That unicorn lady hasn’t even starred a single thing yet. I looked at her recommendations. Also funny, just like Methebarbarian said, her discussion page has her multiple times explaining that she accidentally posted too many.

Your comment is like a lance through my heart. I have an archive in my profile of insulting comments I spent so much more time on! Thank you, though.

Woods porn? Like getting naked in the forest?