I find smart women irresistible, so I always assumed you were a dime.
I find smart women irresistible, so I always assumed you were a dime.
Yesterday’s was awesome, and it hasn’t cracked fifty stars. Then again, this article is getting way more traffic.
Or the cabin boy!
The ones in the florid Friday archive are way better. Click my profile.
Wow. This throwaway joke has already netted more stars than any of my painstaking efforts in my Florid Friday posts. Even Day 264! I guess it proves the people want salt peanuts over caviar.
Well as a judge, he needs to use his powers of discernment. I trust his judgement. The idiot taking pictures of himself fanning out all his money shows very bad judgement, though. It will cost him.
He looks old enough to release a statement supporting Otto Von Bismarck.
The whole philosophy of “If it’s free, it’s for me, give me three” is a total disease. The game ain't worth the candle, man.
It’s like a face-lift, but for your butt, I think. Sometimes they lift too much though, on facelifts. I know an older woman, and she wears her earrings on her ass because of it.
She should have converted it all to ones, thrown it at their feet, and said “Now you all have to bow to me nearly one million times if you want my largesse!”
Why didn’t she just donate it to a good cause or throw it at a crowd?
“Leaders have said the presence of pregnant girls will ‘serve as a negative influence to other innocent girls,’ and ‘encourage’ them to get pregnant,
He laughed very hard at these jokes, which are technically not even jokes, unless adding “because you’re a Republican” to the end of people’s sentences and snorting qualifies as a joke.
It’s a great story. It has been anthologised like crazy. Probably even more than A Dry, Quiet War. But, that’s what happens to great stories.
I know which scene you mean, and I can see why you’d think that.
I remember girls from highschool who would make her boyfriend and his values their complete identity, but didn’t know any in university, and now in my thirties, I mostly just know couples who havent been divorced yet.
Woe betide the girl who transfers into a new school partway through seventh grade and finds herself the prettiest girl in the class she ends up in.
I wonder what happened to them. They did used to be better.
That sounds terrifying!
Genuine LOL from me reading that. If the wife was still home, she’d have asked “What is so damned funny?”