Serious Business

I totally understand the feeling that these guys should suffer for their crimes, but when you send a guy to a violent hellscape because he can't find a place in the modern economy, and can't move to China where all the manufacturing jobs went, he doesn't come out a better person. Prison should aspire to be something

In my experience, if a dude takes his time going down on a woman before intercourse, lube is not needed. Then again, my wife is the only woman I’ve ever been with, so I suppose I shouldn’t make broad pronouncements as if it were like that for everybody. But in this house, Ronda’s observation is correct.

Any party where Grace Jones shows up is going to be a friggin good shindig.

This is the fruit of the privatized prison system. When a prison is run by a corporation, why would they care about rehabilitating anyone? They have no incentive to prevent recidivism. Their investors want them to be as profitable as possible. Boy, that's a messed-up system.

It's really weird. I wonder if fans of books like these have some way of reconciling the fact that rape is bad with the fact that they enjoy it in their entertainment.

So these guys finally discovered that genuine intimacy has filled the hole in their heart that they tried to fill with a meaningless cornucopial flow of sexual encounters? Someone get me a shovel so I can help with all the new ground they’re breaking!

When you are not a politician anymore, I guess it is ok to give nuanced answers.

People shouldn't take pictures like that, then. It is arrogant and dishonest.

My mom gave me a really weird look whenever she saw me reading one. I didn’t let it bug me too much. I’ve always loved books. Those became really repetitive and formulaic, though.

Miss ya, buddy. I hope the twins are good!

I’m a dude but my sister had these books, and I read a few. My memories don’t seem to line up with everyone else’s. In the ones I ready the young protagonist was a girl from a divorced family who splits her time between her dad’s house and all his new kids and her mom’s place. The stepdad was named Seth and and she

Unbelievable. Sounds like a plumbing story! Holy moly!

Does a daily newspaper nowadays even have that kind of money?

My father (a professor) had a student once with a really sick-minded friend.


No. That’s not how this works, buddy. You don’t get to come in here with a story about a fountain of feces and get to hide it under a basket. You need to share that with the crowd.

Did you deservedly chew people out when they tried to grope you?

That sounds like a really fun afternoon!

Yeah, I phrased that wrong. The point I was making, is I don’t see the harm as long as the doctor is cool with it, and it is temporary. I’m biased, though. I owe my scholarship to Dexedrine. It helped me reach my full potential intellectually, and as a side benefit, I lost a ton of weight that I got from drinking lots

Having children actually reduces a person's risk of suicide, but it's still stupid as hell to shoehorn an artist's reproductive choices into a discussion about art.