Serious Business

My wife talks a lot about how rare it is to find INTJ females, and that it's probably dooming her to friendships with women who she can barely relate t.

Well I hope we get the jackpot and he goes to prison, but if we don’t, can we count on the consolation prize of this guy being unable to work as a police office ever again?

I’m certainly not advocating people start taking stimulants recreationally. However, I see nothing wrong with talking to the doctor, explaining the situation, and taking stimulants for a brief period if a certain size wedding dress is imporant to the author of the article.

It isn’t a joke. Dexedrine gives you a ton of energy, alertness and helps you not to eat as much.

I feel genuinely bad that your boyfriend had a bad experience, but they did me quite a bit of good.

The dexedrine diet (aka adderall) is effective. It is so much easier to lose weight by calorie reduction than by excersise.

She also went to the hospital for a sexual assault medical forensic examination.

I got a job later that month, and stayed at it for ten years. So take that, mom and dad. Dragon Warrior VIII was also a great Level 5 game. I agree. They do good work.

No prob. But if you like good localization, I'll assure you that the translation is superb.

I spent a TON of time playing Dark Cloud 2. I had just finished university and I spent days at it. Eventually, my dad said “Your mother and I are concerned that you’ve decided to spend your days playing this very juvenile-looking game instead of looking for work.” Summer of 2004, man. Good times!

Ni no kuni was done in 2013. Try a demo. It is really fun.

Sex is Sooooo much more fun when you are a generous lover and take a trip downtown for your lady. This guy should really give it another chance.

You get a star for saying “heaven forfend”. I’ve been saying that ever since I read it in one of Fritz Leiber’s stories.

Oh, bro. Some of my best gaming experiences EVER have been on MUDs. Were you ever on MozartMud? SO FUN AND CHALLENGING! I went back just 3 years ago in order to experience the challenge and excitement again, and I wasn’t disappointed.

That's cool. Different strokes for different folks. I liked Mario RPG too.

So you played it in HS, not college?

I found that game in 1997 at the age of fifteen. I remember it so damned fondly. When did you meet it?

I might not have the patience for it these days, but as a teen in the mid-nineties, it was an awesome game. It came at the right time for me. If you found it earlier, and it got you away from thinking about highschool crap for a while, you might have loved it.

Buddy, there are a crap-ton of women in Iran who lead entire lives without dodging rocks and acid. There are messed-up groups of people in the states, too; but tourists don't need to live in fear of them.

That’s what I came to ask.