Yeah, pay him no mind. I had to be reminded that he was the prolific troll “Tomatoface” once driven from our midst and now back under a new demented burner. He likes to come back under the names of obscure breeds of tomato.
Yeah, pay him no mind. I had to be reminded that he was the prolific troll “Tomatoface” once driven from our midst and now back under a new demented burner. He likes to come back under the names of obscure breeds of tomato.
Everyone should avoid Debaro down below as well. Debaro is a kind of tomato, so that tells you who we are actually dealing with.
The first one should have been named the helicockter. The fruit basket is perfectly named. Lol.
No, bag tag was what he called stealthily flicking my sack as he walked by. It was seventh grade, he was an athlete, I had to accept the arrangement unfortunately. He must have had X-ray vision, too, because he nailed it perfectly, bypassing the cock.
Would you be ok with labiascaping?
I’ve had that done to me. The dude acted like I should be happy to be included in a game of “bag tag” as he called it.
I think they end up as drug addicts because the part of the brain that says: “Do THIS! It will be a riot!” is way too active in people like that. Whether it’s showing your balls or putting chemicals into your body, if it seems like a good idea at the time, these guys just go for it. I have a cousin like this but he…
I think this is an excellent investment, as long as someone takes away these kids’ smartphones during the performances.
Along with the magnificent Suzanne Pleshette, Susan Hayward, and Susan St. James—Ruth had one of the filthiest mouths ever to slide down a beanpole. Suzanne was the heartiest, the most likely to make blood come out of a Mormon’s ears, but Ruth had a pisk on her that could parboil a teak log. Susan Hayward made cops…
That’s horrible! *hugs*
I’m not sure why these guys don’t realize this. It’s like they have no concept of something being “bad for the brand”.
I took a turn doing that as my student placement in 4th year university. Thankfully, it was the time in my life that I was at my most idealistic. Even as cynical as I’ve become, though, I can’t imagine crossing that line unless the student is creating an actual danger.
Did things work out?
He must have been called-out on it, yeah. I’ll bet this is going to be even more of a thing going forward. When i was in high-school, if you had told me: “In less than twenty years, every teenager is going to have a powerful handheld computer in their pocket that can connect them to the world’s vast library of…
I agree with you. He probably has an embarassing boner story. Maybe it got set-off during his first slow-dance at a school ball, or he had to present a report in front of the class with one of those unpredictable, not-even-sexual boners that are the folly of many a 14-year-old. I was lucky to dodge those myself, but…
LOL that guy was such an ambulatory sack of runny monkey-nuts. Thank you for drawing-out the insanity in him for all to experience!
“.....and the slug they slithered in on” would have been an appropriate alternate. A+
I’m not sure why more people don’t do this. It seems so much better than going into debt throwing a party for relatives you barely see anyway.
I’ve found that, too. Sometimes stuff gives you a way bigger heart-punch once you are an emotionally mature person.
I’ve never understood these people. Don’t they have any sense of embarassment?