Fuck! I’m going to bed!
Fuck! I’m going to bed!
They don’t really mean anything solid in the Real World. They’re nice; I’m not disrespecting such parchments; and I bet they make you feel all puffed-up for a few minutes when you get’m; but essentially they’re just mufti; insubstantial; pomp and circumstance; well-intentioned bunting intended more to make the dour…
When I was little, all us kids would fight over who got to be Egon when we played Ghostbusters. I didn't even know the names of the individual ghostbusters, but I'd want to be Egon just because everyone else made it seem so desirable.
Not to diminish the Shadowbroker DLC, but Citadel was the n’est plus ultra of what an expansion should be. I love the effort they went to in order to program something with so many permutations. I wish I could say more, but I don’t want to spoil anything for people who haven’t got it yet. It’s worth the money. It’s…
I don’t like when Monsanto sues some farmer because his crop got pollinated by one of theirs, and they say he is infringing on their patent. Are people supposed to put a dome over their fields?
You’d like Vandana Shiva’s lecture “Seeds and Freedom”, Sqarr.
Nothing about that kid’s life is going to be easy. I'm glad they are preparing her to be awesome and capable.
It's really only people that make this planet less miraculous.
This is the one game I don't mind just watching other people play.
Saving money is actually better than getting a higher salary. You’re taxed on how much you make, but not how much you save.
I think that people like to sometimes think there is a bit of “cosmic significance” to their love. Like if the universe brought them together in some benevolent way, it means they are soul mates, or destined or what have you. It's the same reason some people read horoscopes.
Oh, just realized I was talking about System Shock 2. Never played the first one, so my earlier anecdote is void for the purposes of this discussion.
Didn’t get to play this until 2000, but it was definitely the scariest game I ever played up to that point.
I set up an archive in my profile if you like the florid friday stuff and dont feel like digging for them.
I’m sorry to hear that it didn’t work out :(
My wife has a job at City Hall that is both stable, close to home, and pays great. She loathes it, and is looking for a way out to find something that she doesn’t hate so much.
Track down an essay by Harlan Ellison called: “How You Stupidly Blew Fifteen Million Dollars A Week, Avoided Having An Adeniod-Shaped Swimming Pool In Your Backyard, Missed The Opportunity To Have A Mutually Destructive Love Affair With Clint Eastwood And/O Raquel Welch, And Otherwise Pissed Me Off”. Yes, that is the…
Did you guys ever find a way to make it work?
The fifth noble truth: “1 cream, 2 sugars.”
I love the Dunkin’ Donuts cup sitting by the shrine. Is it an oblation to Buddha? Or is it a case of: “Dad always loved DD coffee. Let me show my love today. I miss him.”