Serious Business

Amazing how what it really seems like these guys are getting off on is fantasy dad-rage, rather than actual sex.

No I won’t restrain my peen,

Yeah, I think some people believe that everyone is basically good; so it’s impossible for them to be bad unless it was caused by trauma. Some people just decide they like power, though. Even if it’s not their fault they got that way, they still are responsible for controlling themselves.

The world don’t need folks like that....

*exhales and shakes his head*

I started going to cons back in 1998, and the cosplay scene was neither as big, nor as serious as it is today. There were a few pretty girls, but not the numerous dynamite knockouts you see today now that cons are bigger, and anime is more mainstream.

I wonder what they feel threatened by, though. Gorgeous girls cosplaying would not have bugged me back in the day.

You gotta give her credit for getting through that with such gracefulness!

As a card-carrying introvert, this job seems like heaven to me. If I fail to meet the job requirements, I hope an opening for lighthouse keeper presents itself.

I believe they can be very affectionate, too. Have you ever spent time with one?

What the hell is it with people turning funerals into venues for their music?

I have personal reasons for asking, but was your aunt the kind of woman who also got upset about sitting too close to the TV, and having elbows on the table?

I have to know: Did you accept the dare and touch the body?

You just made it worthwhile that I had to read As I Lay Dying in college.

Wow. Truth is always stranger than fiction, man. May I ask what you played in the band?

Well, keep it up with the awesome posts. If you like the funeral story I posted, hit me up with some of your newly-gained ungreying power, too! ;)

I want to congratulate you. Your posts have been consistently good. It is strange that it has taken this long to get out of the grey pit. Good on you!

Farewell, noble man. Your comments, which mightily outshout everyone else's in such a manner that nobody can possibly drift past them, are really good.

Here’s one for you, but I’ve changed a few details to protect identities. If that renders this story as fiction, I can live with it.

Sorry for my curiosity, but do you remember the specific age you were when you first sat down and played FFVI?