Serious Business

I was amazed how much that midi music could move me. In the days before YouTube, I of course reserved a save slot just for the opera part so I could play it again when I wanted to hear the music.

I’m very curious about what age you tried FF6. I was 14 and was sucked in like no other RPG.

Just curious about the picture here. Are these the girls who give shit to the “sluts”? Or are they the girls who are going all the way?

I wonder why teenage guys don’t punch eachother out for ostracizing girls for being open to sex. You think they’d really want to discourage anyone killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

The reason politicians spend so much time on issues like this, is because they don’t have consequences to their corporate paymasters. Gay rights, women’s rights, right to choose, etc. Important topics, but as usual, not the ones CEOs will get pissed-off about.

Can someone knowledgeable about the bible chime in? I have a passing knowledge of it, and if I’m not mistaken, Jesus said that if you get cheated on, it is completely kosher to divorce them.

No returns. Would you buy a Kris Jenner from a store that accepted returns?

Your story makes me really grateful that my allergies didn’t develop until I had concluded my time at college. You should buy some hankies with a very high thread-count. So much better for the nose than Kleenex.

You sound fun as hell!

If you ever want to break that phobia, I guarantee you the monkeys in that video will do it.

Now playing

Spend your summer in St Kitts then, folks. But watch your drink, because monkeys also like to snatch unguarded drinks off the beach and get hammered. I’ll take a drunk monkey over the soberest swarm of wasps any day.

I salute your ironclad olfactory glands. It’s not that the place smells bad, but the overwhelmingness of the smell is too much for me.

Well maybe the punishment should be forcing the culprits to stand inside one of their retail locations for a solid hour without the mercy of a gas mask.

I guess I’m now surprised it wasn’t rotting everyone’s nails sooner, then.

I laughed at that part. He makes it seem like he’s a one-man operation, and that if he doesn’t get back to the boiling cauldron of nail-polish and start stirring, it won’t get made.

Yeah, I’m thinking they aren’t reading the book. Either that, or they are the odious “once saved, always saved” variety of Christian. Any Christians in the house? Can you tell us if it actually works that way?

I would say that when you display the kind of hypocrisy Jesus was constantly railing against, you no longer meet the definition of the term. If they are in any way Christian, they certainly don’t seem like the cream of the crop. More like the water on the top of the yogurt....

They had me lusting for an Uzi, but I like your idea better. Someone bring a load of salt, please.

My dad, he is a good Christian man, My dad, he is a good Christian man, I am a good Christian man, but we just do this for fun. a good Christian man, but we just do this for fun.

There is no country on earth I’d have a greater expectation of this trend taking hold in. Not even Peru.