Serious Business

This is going to be white-washed like crazy. The real story would be for mature audiences only. For instance, I remember reading that Bob Saget and Dave Coulier would joke around with some really blue humor within earshot of the kids and their parents, and the producers took them to task for it. Plus during the

I remember those halcyon days when every Miller-Boyett production (Full House, Family Matters, Perfect Strangers, etc) was dynamite entertainment to me.

Oh, I have a story!

Allow me to volunteer this story, from an old Jezebel article about being caught while masturbating:

Correct! A runner-up star for you!

You’re the winner! A star for you!

Don’t lose focus! The real story is this: The stepparent of a woman who is famous for having a really nice ass isn't being charged with a crime that some guy said she might be charged with.

Aaahhh. Greg Rucka is one of the good guys.

This is very well written

Oh absolutely. I was devastated when Greg Rucka couldn’t do Gotham Central anymore. Just look at who I chose for my avatar picture....

Completely understandable.

He is a DB. Truly a big-time asshole. But you are right, Fables is awesome. I didn’t even know it was finished until today, and now I’m eager to catch up.

I think his negative influence would piss me off just as much if he was diminishing my livelihood, too.

Oh, Sqarr, you know I love ya, but we might have to agree to disagree on this one. I think it’s completely kosher to adore a person’s art even if you think they hold beliefs you disagree with, or are terrible to others in their personal lives. For me, Bill Willingham is the kind of ass I wouldn’t want to spend five

I had a coworker who would openly watch porn on his work-computer at a warehouse I once worked at.

Does the daughter have that “I shouldn’t stifle his efforts to express himself openly because that might hurt his self-esteem” attitude?

If I had gorgeous women at work whose job it was to walk around in a skirt and chat me up, I don’t see myself becoming more motivated to turn my head to the screen and generate lines of code...

Oh, that sweet, sweet, internet-street-gang-rabble-burn-baby-burn backlash is food for my soul!

The netflix documentary about Morton Downey Jr that’s been on there for at least a year is really entertaining and I recommend it. The guy was a completely unnuanced bloviating bastard who came off like a total idiot, but he completely understood what he was doing the whole time.

This brings back memories of high-school. There were these three gorgeous, popular girls who sat in the back of the class, and they all got stellar marks; but whenever called-on by the teacher for a question, or to add something to the discussion, they’d just say “I don’t know.” Like they viewed it as unfeminine to