Ron Calls on his years of experience....and freezes at the controls

I've only seen one NR in the "wild" — I shared a nod with the rider and recognized Tom Cruise's eyes behind the helmet. Lucky bastard...

welp, neverrrrrrrmind then

I dig the tech, but this is one awkward-ass looking ship.

No crime committed, but the airline should charge him for all expenses involved. The only way to stop this. Show the stupid on national television and tell the world he's bankrupt, needs to pay hundred thousands in restitution, and he's life is a complete pain in the ass.

XB-70 Valkyrie - It failed in its goal to get made. Still mind blowing numbers.

The DeHavilland Comet

As a pilot, I find humor in this. It makes me wonder ... What if I named my wireless hotspot "The Pilots Are Drunk"? Would they transfer all of us?

it's those canards!

or pull out his can of mace, ride out in front and just crop-dust those dipwads.

I know some cops that would have reacted...differently.

The cop's really relaxed about it, thank god Seim pulled over a cop with a decent temper.

Why doesn't she just sit on his lap? They would be more comfortable, and (at least the guy) would be much happier.

Excellent point. I'm 5'10", and I weigh 135. I should be able to check a refrigerator for free!

I just wish they would go to an all sleeper cabin for international flights.

Yes, the 737-5000

or just wifi one's GoogleGlass to the virtual tail camera so each Glass can rotate and pan throughout the 3D view? And the airline can rent those Glasses to the passengers for a "small fee", or free to the Platinum Frequent Flyers.

Panoramic view is something I would love to have as well — but I agree with you about the "spoilsport effect" regarding display panels in the cabin.

Europe also has these things called towns and hamlets. All the roads in this list go through sparsely populated areas. Nowhere in Europe you will see a low population density as any of the places featured above.