Wait, are you telling me that Walmart shoppers purchase deodorant?
Wait, are you telling me that Walmart shoppers purchase deodorant?
My aunt, a linguist, has had a good laugh over some conferences she has been to. A whole lot of not communicating because of fear of being judged, when the whole point is communicating.
Does everything in the article apply equally to quartz countertops? Granite and marble are mentioned, but not quartz explicitly. Just wondered if the rules were the same.
Does everything in the article apply equally to quartz countertops? Granite and marble are mentioned, but not quartz…
To your point when missed connections are the airline’s fault, I was flying UA home from LAX a couple years ago (after Spirit canceled on me) and the plane to EWR was caught up in tarmac traffic. They called up me and a couple other people with connections that may be at risk and gave us additional bookings on later…
The Internet isn’t depressing unless you want it to be depressing.
Will these candidates be talking about the real gun violence problem in this country, or just the small percentage that gets most of the attention? The mass shootings deserve a conversation, but so do the thousands of yearly shootings that get zero mentions in the news. The ones that are just accepted as a common part…
After about the second or third day, they added a field to the initial claim process asking which credit monitoring service you had. You may have already told them.
The way anti-plagiarism software works is it checks the percentage matching another work (both published or papers handed in to other schools and courses). So the average paper usually has 2-4% match to other sources, and that’s OK. As a professor, I look for entire chunks (10%+) that match sources and DO NOT use…
I’d also say that the people who talk about attention spans getting worse after smartphones aren’t thinking about that particular use case. It’s not like people in the 1950s were reading a book or the newspaper while in line at the grocery store. Maybe there’s a case to be made that just being bored for 5 minutes once…
Developmentally stunted as an average American 5 year old?? There is so much wrong with your comment and mindset here.
Either split it and don’t let sick leave expire so you can save it for a real life need
It might conceivably fill someone up more than cereal but at least I won’t vomit the cereal back up.
Replace the word men with people and we’re almost there.
It’s looking through your Microsoft account info so you’d probably be better off waiting for deeper integration to come later.
Silencing voices you don’t like, or disagree with, doesn’t make your stance better. It just creates echo chambers, and those are as wholly destructive as the perception of those voices you wish to silence.
45+, 2 kids, wife, house, dog etc... here.
So, similar aged, similarly “responsibled” - I have no idea if this will help at all, but this is how I started to make that transition
The loss of a parent and moving are two of the most significant traumas a kid can experience and Peter got hit with both in a single day. The thought that “well, maybe he’s had some time to deal with it in the last twenty years” falls apart when Rocket opens a drawer and finds Meredith Quill unwrapped present. Natasha…
but the best way to know if your financial planner doesn’t suck is to know enough to not need a financial planner