Interim Banana

Man I just finished this and cannot account for all the bad reviews. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable old-school B-movie. Late career Liam Neeson ice road trucking, honestly what more do you need? The promotional artwork alone justifies the film’s existence.

Ann Curry was legitimately one of the dumbest TV journalists I’ve ever encountered. She got replaced by Guthrie who was younger and prettier and the middle aged women who watched the show revolted and the ratings tanked. It was all centered around the weird dynamic where viewers imprint family relationships onto TV

It’s the rare show that works much better one hour per week. Way too intense to binge. I definitely couldn’t fault anyone for being put off by the grimness. For me the rebels win enough victories to keep me going. And everyone once in a while you get to see a fascist torn to shreds or blown up, which is honestly the

Yeah I interpreted it as she was heading back to the front. Which I think is all she’s been wanting to do ever since she left it.

I feel like our cultural assessment of Friday landed pretty firmly in the so-bad-it’s-good column. I mean the whole moment culminated in the Colbert/Fallon duet, which was one of the most unabashedly joyous events ever broadcast on television. These new songs are fine but Friday will bang forever.

Now playing

Elisabeth Moss loves her some Max Richter. He composed the piece that plays after her meeting with Nick. And she even starred in the music video!

The moment I keep going back to is when we cut to Lori and John mid-conversation and Lori says “Billy?” We’re meant to infer that John just told her Billy is the killer. But her reaction is so muted, no shock or surprise whatsoever. Makes me think she was somehow involved.

“Great Aunt” was *right there*

I’m just across the Strait from you and am surprised to learn there’s no snow in Victoria. I knew it was more temperate than the Lower Mainland, being out of the rain shadow, but yeah. If that’s the case though, then it’s literally the only spot in Canada without snow, so some slight generalizing seems understandable.

Schitt’s Creek never actually identifies its location though...

It was definitely an interesting reply that he gave. He reacted almost as if no one had ever asked him the question before and was coming up with the answer on the spot. Interesting because you’d expect him to have a more polished answer. It still seemed truthful though, to me it seemed like he’s just slightly awkward

I liked S2 all right. Kerrigan’s half has that pleasantly icy vibe and his ludicrously barren sets. Seimetz’s half is all over the map but features a hilarious performance by Harmony Korine of all people. I think the two directors definitely worked better as a team in S1 but S2 is still worth checking out.

The baseball version of this would have to be the single-season record for doubles of 67, set in 1931 by someone named Earl Webb, in one of the two seasons in his brief career in which he was a full-time player. The record has stood for 90 years now but never struck me as particularly unbreakable. More recently, anothe

Give me Batman Begins over Dark Knight every day of the week. So much leaner and less pompous, and Bale isn’t doing that ridiculous voice. One of the only good superhero movies.

Or just that he correctly anticipates people will try to pin that label on it so he’s trying to preemptively shut it down...

So many questions. The real cliffhanger is did the betting markets for the trial ever reopen after the final status update we received around minute 45?

You can tell the defense lawyer is good because she gets visibly exasperated when her objection is overruled - all three times she raises it - then sits back down in a huff.

Yeah this scans to me. Also, the character herself is completely extraneous up until now yet keeps snatching screen time in every episode.

Almost every actor in this show is failing at an American accent, it’s really distracting. Even Donald Sutherland’s Canadian slips through. The police detective I guess they just gave up and made the character Italian (?) for some reason? He’s not even good in the role, only thing he seems to have going for him is a

Agreed, she is phoning it in. Though to be fair, there’s only so much an actor can do with writing this bad.