Interim Banana

It was fine empty-calorie pandemic distraction but I wouldn’t call it good. Definitely should have been a movie, stretched way too thin for a series. The supporting cast was mostly subpar and their characters were mostly pointless. And the narrative didn’t really amount to anything other than the Big Game At The End.

Yeah as much as I love s1, nothing stacks up to s3's 18 hours of unencumbered Lynch. Like, literally nothing, it’s easily the most sublime TV series I’ve ever seen.

Drake and Future’s entire careers as rappers singing about being in their fuckboy feelings sprout directly from 808s and Heartbreaks. As does basically the entire melodic vocabulary of 2010s hip hop.

Without Kanye there’s no Drake and no Future, possibly the two biggest rappers of the past decade. Just for starters. Saying he isn’t influential is absurd. And anyone saying he has only a couple hit singles is just proclaiming that they’ve never actually listened to his albums. Dude changed the game with each of his

I definitely agree that the cast was amazing and the three girls were all standouts. But I disagree pretty strongly with the rest of the review. I thought this show started out really well, leaning on its cast for interesting character studies and doing a great job of recreating the late 90s. But as it went on it

She’s fantastic in Buster Scruggs.

The song was apparently “I Got The...” by Labi Siffre. I only recognize it from being sampled in “My Name Is” by Eminem.

I generally do not care for superhero media and I did not care for Leftovers. (I didn’t even know until tonight that this is the same showrunner.) But god damn. This episode was an absolute tour de force. One of the best things to ever be shown on TV.

The show’s soundtrack is just stellar week after week. “Doot Doot” by Freuer (who later became Underworld) is an all-time chestnut from that era. The vaporwave jam as she rolled up to the Dan Quayle event. And maybe the greatest, most absurd sync I’ve ever seen early in the season - “How Can We Be Lovers” by Michael

Good call! I was trying to place those few chords.

Totally agreed. The idea that a woman would be expected to take a man’s name is ridiculous, with absolutely zero real-world parallels. None whatsoever.

I’ve found season 2 to be even more powerful than season 1. Just utterly devastating on levels the first season never reached.

Wow, I’m surprised by the negative reactions to this episode. For me it was an A and a highlight of the series. I’m not sure why we’re supposed to be annoyed by the three wolf scenes, they made me feel some type of way. I didn’t read them as her being a badass/staring the wolf down. To me they were more suggestive of

Yup I’ve long assumed the show ends with Nick killing June after she rejects him. 

Yeah this is what stood out to me about this episode. There are a ton of norms being eroded and it doesn’t quite feel earned or organic. The final scene from last week in the grocery store being the most glaring example. But there were a bunch more this week. June talking back to the cop etc. The whole Janine

The review nails the problems with this episode, easily the worst of the series for me and a huge letdown after last week’s excellence. The Moira story was the lamest, laziest possible attempt to not completely waste Samara Wiley as a cast member. And the return of Janine and Emily makes no sense whatsoever. I assumed

Good lord, Chastain or Adams? Those are easily the two most overrated in my estimation. Give me Blanchett, Dern, Moss, Watts, Samantha Morton, heaps of others all day over those two.

Personally I found it thrilling. Yes it would have been a great start to an episode. But it worked fine for me as is. Loved the music cue as well. I actually put both arms up in triumph imagining all those fascists being blown up. How can you not cheer for that moment? Agree with the rest of your review though, this

Anyone else notice the portentous mirror cut after Elizabeth tells Philip about the cyanide pill? Philip asks her “Why did you tell me that?” and she gives that lame non-answer. Then the cut to the mirror image gives the true answer. Whereas in the non-mirrored shot, Elizabeth is on the left side, describing about

I couldn’t believe when he went the extra step of essentially outing himself by warning against traveling to a communist country. She’s gonna tell her dad and Elizabeth and Claudia will immediately know exactly what Philip did! There’s no way either one will forgive or look past it. Man. I thought last season was a