That’s from the phone call as she’s walking into the high school and juggling the conversation with the nurse with the police radio.
That’s from the phone call as she’s walking into the high school and juggling the conversation with the nurse with the police radio.
Uh...”That man is alive, albeit in need of yet another amputation and quickly placed into a medically-induced coma, which means he won’t be available to answer any of Danvers’ questions anytime soon, including what the hell those men have been doing out at Tsalal research station in the first place.” wasn’t actually…
You could always try actually watching an episode.
Yeah she does a lot
Another nice touch is that the only person who wanted to keep Rambis on the roster was Pat Riley, who was right that he offered toughness and dirty work and would contribute to winning (as Riley himself had as a reserve on the Wilt-West Lakers team). But that’s not why Westhead kept Rambis, he did it to piss off West
Yes, Westhead did keep Rambis to spite West, both in the show and in real life. (Pretty wild!) Not as sure about the punching, would have to re-watch.
The election storyline was about two things: the first being about whether or not it would stop/allow the GoJo/Waystar merger, the second as a point of contention between Shiv and Roman/their egos/power for powers sake. And both things have resolved, as the deal will go through, and Roman “won”, though not for long.…
It is interesting that Connor was in that video of Logan relaxing with old employees/sort of friends. And Connor even roasted him a bit with the teapot song, calling back to the first episode this season. Logan didn’t respect him and didn’t see him as a potential rival or threat like the other kids, which in a…
Even though we are clearly shown Misty has little to no empathy for others, she still came out swinging when she saw Natalie was about to relapse. She was working with Walter in order to find Natalie, because Natalie was her “best friend.” She’s protective at weird times and I find her character so interesting. Like,…
Me on the other end of the spectrum hoping a protester would curb stomp him. Culkin is amazing, though. Especially the “is he in there” line.
I read Kendall’s speech as the writers intentionally wanting it be flat. The Logan the kids knew was nothing but a business. They don’t know the version Ewan knew, nor the one the wives and mistresses knew.
Honestly Ewans speech was good and James Cromwell was so amazing that for me his speech just over wrote Shiv’s and Kendalls. Ewan was a man who hated and loved his brother and now he has to bury him and Ewan was the eldest. He did it so well MVP for me
This, so so very much! You’ve nailed it. The mysteries get us into the story, they incite the narrative, but this is not a show about mysteries. It has no heroes or villains. It’s about how these characters respond to trauma, and how that trauma then lives with them and informs their lives.
The worst thing about her this episode, is that for all her talk about letting the country slide into fascism, it wasn’t enough that she’d be willing to blow her secret deal and relationship with Matsson. If she really cared that badly about Mencken winning, she could have warned Nate that ATN is going to preemptively …
Don’t they actually just lose because of an asinine system designed to empower wealthy landowners and a half-century of concentrated gerrymandering?
Goddamn. This bordered on the trauma of 2016 with this hour going from watching the dysfunction of a billionaire family to something America has been has been trying to survive and re-coiling for 7 years. With far, far more information recently of impossibly monied interests able to manipulate media, sew confusion…
Like, regardless of my politics, Succession in an aggressively leftist show that is in part about politics. Most of the Roys actively mock their own anchors, viewers, and specifically Mencken as Nazis. I'm just reporting on the text of the show.
I will note that Roman for sure does not “shrug this off,” he immediately goes from Gerri dismissing him to trying to browbeat Connor into submission, talking shit about Willa and making a pretty huge public spectacle with his “I got this” when Kendall tries to de-escalate. He’s angry and spinning.
Jer-ry, you’ve got to theorize about the bay-bee